"I was worried that something might happen to you. So if you don't want to see me like this then, please...please take care of yourself," Yibo pleaded to Zhan which shook Zhan to his very core. He was certain that Yibo had loathed him a week ago but now...he cared so much for Zhan as if he couldn't live if something happens to Zhan...it was as if his feelings that disappeared years ago came back.

"A-Alright...sorry Yibo," Zhan automatically apologized. He felt guilty because he acted rashly and made Yibo worry at him which wasn't even his job to worry at him. Zhan felt that he doesn't deserve Yibo's worries since he did something unforgivable to him. 

"There's no need for you to be sorry Zhan, you only need to promise to me that you'll take care of yourself and stay healthy," Yibo said while scratching his head. Zhan on the other hand looked down because he knew that he can't promise one of those things to Yibo. "Say promise Zhan," Yibo said, demanding some certain words from the older.

"Why are you talking to me as if I'm younger than you huh?" Zhan tried to divert the topic which he thought had succeeded, "yeah, for only 4 months though," Yibo stuck out his mouth at Zhan which also did the same. "But still, I'm older than you so show some respect you brat!" Zhan said but Yibo did not comply with Zhan's words and just sat at Zhan's bed, giving Bo to Zhan.

"You may be the older but I act more mature than you," Yibo pointed out but Zhan just shook his head as a sign of disagreement. "No you weren't...you were the wild type and according to from your mother, I and she can only tame you," said Zhan and Yibo could agree with what Zhan said. Ever since they were in their youthful years it was only Zhan that could tame Yibo's wildness even his father couldn't tame him, that's why both Yibo's parents entrusted their only son to Xiao Zhan because they knew that Zhan is completely capable of taming their sone whenever they're not at sight, especially Yibo's mother.

"Yeah yeah but remember that your mama also said that you should stick by my side because you were super-shy when we were young that you were even afraid to socialize with people because you thought that they would only befriend you because of how rich your family was," Yibo pointed out reminiscing their childhood days. "But I was really being cautious at that time because I experienced it one time," Zhan confessed and Yibo who hadn't heard this story of his friend listened carefully, trying not to miss out on information.

"I was in elementary back then and there was this boy who befriended me, showing me what it was like to have a friend," Yibo's eyebrows raised when he heard that Zhan had a friend before him but nevertheless, he still continued on listening. "We were friends for almost a year, constantly playing, telling each other things and us giving each other gifts..." 

"You two gave each other gifts?" Yibo asked with a different tone in his voice. "Well, I was the only one giving him gifts because he was the first friend I ever had since my parents kept me in seclusion my entire life cause they're afraid of me being swarmed by journalists," said Zhan and Yibo just nodded, understanding Xiao Zhan's situation. 

The Xiao family were rich since the early generations and until today they have kept it and are constantly expanding their business. That explains why Xiao Zhan is rich and since the Xiao family had also engaged themselves in showbiz, the media swarms over them and that doesn't exclude Xiao Zhan from that. That's the reason why Zhan's parents kept him in seclusion for years and kept his identity hidden from the public.

"Ah, then does the media now that you're here?" Yibo asked as his curiosity won over him and Zhan just shook his head as an answer. "My parents told the media that I'm staying in America, to deepen my knowledge about medicine and arts," Zhan explained and Yibo was about to ask another question but it seems that Zhan understood the question that he was about to ask, "the hospital were tasked by my older brother to kept quiet about my stay here, and you know that the..." Zhan was a humble person so he didn't want to reveal another secret that Yibo didn't know but it seems that Yibo understood the reason why Zhan suddenly stopped talking.

"...this hospital is owned by the Xiao Group?" Yibo asked and Zhan just nodded not wanting to boast about it anymore. "Back to the topic..." he changed their topic and Yibo kept quiet, "...I kept giving him gifts and he accepted them, it kept going like that until it arrived at the point where he started demanding things from me and of course I gave what he asked because I thought that that's what friends do," Zhan stopped probably having the urge to tell his younger self that what he did in the past was pathetic. "I only realized that I was taken advantage of when my older brother came to my school and caught me in the act of handing that kid an expensive phone. He scolded me and I cried while the boy took the phone and ran away that was the time when I realized that I was taken advantage of..."

"What happened to the boy?" Yibo asked. "Ever since that day, I did not see him but I never did mind that," Zhan concluded and Yibo finally understood as to why Xiao Zhan's older brother was harsh on him, he was just looking out for his younger brother.

"That's why your brother was hard on me when you introduced me to them," Yibo stated and Zhan just nodded recalling a piece of his memory where Yibo was interrogated by Zhan's older brother. At that time, Zhan was really nervous about what the outcome will be because he was scared that his brother might prohibit them from seeing each other again but thankfully, Yibo passed the interrogation stage and was free to see and hang out with Zhan anytime.

"To be honest, at that time I was scared that my brother will prohibit me from seeing you. After all, you were the first person whom I properly introduced to my family," Zhan smiled while looking at Yibo and Yibo on the other hand, felt his heartbeat become faster. 

"O-Oh, is t-that it?" Yibo looked down, trying his best to hide his blushing face and then immediately stood up. "I-It's g-getting dark, m-maybe I sh-should go," Yibo wanted to curse himself for stuttering too much in front of his friend. Hearing his friend stuttering, Zhan laughed showing his bunny teeth until he had enough making him catch his breath. "Wang Yibo stuttering is a rare scene, I should've recorded it," Zhan exclaimed making the other pout at his jokes. 

"What a waste, really," Zhan remarked as he shook his head making fun of his friend who was still looking down, hiding his red beet face. "Maybe I should tell my older brother to bring me a new cellphone, to capture Wang Yibo's shy moments," Zhan snickered and Yibo who had enough of this finally looked up and stared at Zhan who was also staring at him.

Zhan was surprised when Yibo walked to him and approached him, almost closing the gap as if one of them made a move then their lips would touch each other. Seeing the Xiao Zhan froze, Yibo then showed his signature smirk before pulling his face away from Zhan's. He then grabbed his phone from his pockets and captured a photo of Zhan's face who was frozen at the moment. "Now that's what you should capture in your phone," Yibo smirked in triumph before bidding his goodbye to Xiao Zhan, "see you tomorrow, bunny," he then shut the door.

Inside the door was Xiao Zhan who was slowly coming into his senses, "AHHHHH!" he grabbed a pillow and pressed his head unto it so that he could let out what he was currently feeling and when he got over it, his face was all red, "what have you done to me, Wang Yibo?"

On the other side of the door was Wang Yibo, leaning at Xiao Zhan's door and kept reminiscing of what move he pulled earlier, "what did you just do, Wang Yibo?" he asked himself as he gripped his hair, trying to find the answer to why he did that.

"Xiao Zhan, what have you done to me?" he asked as his face became red while recalling what he did earlier and the reaction that the person made.



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