Chapter 14: Test Subject 1709

Start from the beginning

Hunter's arm instantly tightened around my shoulders as he pulled me closer to his side.

"Come on, Liv! I'll be there too!" Paige spoke up, giving me her best puppy-dog face.

I was really conflicted now.

My friends and I were kinda at odds right now. I could almost feel them leaving me. Dan had hidden something from me again and this time Paige hadn't even said anything to him for that.

I needed my friends.

I had to somehow get back to normal with them. I've already lost three of my friends to something I didn't understand and I didn't want to lose these two now.

I was afraid that if I refused to stay for the game, I would be upsetting them and then they'd never talk to me.

What do I do now?!

"We'll stay for a bit." Hunter answered for me.

I looked up at him in shock but he avoided eye-contact with me.

Can he read my mind?!

That would be weird...

Wait... What if he really could?!

If that's his secret talent, he probably already knew all the places I use to hide my candies!


I narrow my eyes at Hunter, mentally trying to erase his memory of my secret stash of candies that my brother didn't know about.

I can do that, right?

"Olivia, I can't read your mind." Hunter told me rolling his eyes as he finally looked at me.

"Gasp!" I exclaim.

Yes, I said the word 'gasp'... Out loud... Again... Deal with it people!

"What now?" He spoke in an amused tone as he looked down at me.

"How did you know what I was thinking if you cannot really read my mind?" I questioned, crossing my arms to appear a bit more intimidating.

"I can do so because I know you, Olivia." He smiled at me.

"I don't believe you." I told him flatly.

"So it's more believable that I have mind-reading abilities?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

Well, when he says it like that...

I still don't believe him.

"Pretty much." I replied. "You could be some secret government experiment or something!" I shrugged.

That's totally possible!

"You've known me since I was a kid, Olivia. We've literally never been apart. Even during the vacations." He dead-panned.

When he explains it like that...

I still don't believe him.

"You haven't exactly been around the past few years." I pointed out. "I don't know where you went off to after school or what you do in your free time." I added seriously.

"You seriously believe that I am an experiment?" He asked incredulously.

"Hey! You stopped talking to me for no reason. Maybe this was it. You were recruited to be a test subject and you didn't want me to know." I replied.

See, I make total sense!

And I might have probably cracked the mystery of why my friends stopped being my friends.

Did Kaylee and Ryan know about this too?!

If they did, then why was I the only one who didn't get to know anything?!

"I'm not a secret government experiment!" Hunter groaned.

That's what all experiments say!

I've seen a lot of movies, buddy!

"I'm onto you now, Hunter Kingston." I glared at him. "Or are you test subject 1709 or something now?" I frowned in confusion.

That'll be pretty weird...

I really hope that they didn't change his name... Hunter is a really nice name...

It suits him...

What the hell am I even thinking?!

His life could be on a line here!

You're so stupid and silly, Liv!

Stupid! Stupid!

Crazy crayons!

"Are you guys coming or what?" We heard Paige's voice as they all looked at us from the staircase.

I took one final glance at Hunter, making him roll his eyes before we followed behind Kaylee, Ryan and, hopefully, people who are still my friends.

I just want to get this over with...


Could it be possible that Ryan and Dan have been warning me to stay away from Hunter and telling me that he's bad news because he has been experimented on?!

Did that experiment change Hunter as a person?

I mean, that would explain his bad-boy phase and the whole lonely thing...

But how would Dan know Hunter's secret? Hunter didn't even really know Dan! Why would he share something like that with him?

And why didn't he tell me the truth?

I didn't want to stay in the dark if things were that interesting... and possibly dangerous.

I had to find out the truth one way or another...

Good thing that we're playing truth or dare...

That's it!

If I get a chance to ask a question from Hunter, I'll ask him to tell me the truth!


Next update: 28th October 2021 (Thursday)

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