Chapter 13: So Original

Start from the beginning

"No one wants to be friends with you, you loser!" Kaylee exclaimed.

Her insults are so original!

She really is a brainless cookie!

"I am sorry to know that you think I care about what you think about me." I smiled at her.

If she thinks that she can make this gummy bear cry, she's in for a surprise!

By the way, I'm the gummy bear... Heh!

Her expression faltered for a second before she regained her composure.

"You are going to be a cat lady, sweetie! You're never going to have anyone who would want to be with you." Kaylee smirked.

"I am enough for myself." I told her simply.

"That's what an old lonely cat lady would say." One of Kaylee's friends giggled.

Umm... I'm younger than you, genius!

Besides, if I have a pet, how will I be lonely?

These girls really need to rehearse their insults before throwing them...

"You know what, I really do like cats." I marveled.

Only if my mother would let me adopt a kitten...

"You are so disgusting that even Hunter wanted to hurt you. Wasn't he your friend? Look how much he hates you now. You will never have a real friend because you don't deserve one." Kaylee smiled evilly.

Okay, that one hurts...

"Hunter didn't hurt me." I rolled my eyes. "It was one of your boyfriend's minions who did." I informed her.

"You-" Kaylee was about to say something else but a voice stopped her.

"What the hell is going on here?" Ryan asked as he pushed through the crowd to reach us. "Don't you all have anything else to do?" He asked the crowd around us.

I didn't realise that we had an audience...

The crowd instantly dispersed as Ryan glared at them.

"Your girlfriend was just telling me how much she did not want me to be your friend." I informed Ryan. "Honestly Ryan, I'm not dying to be your friend. Please ask your girlfriend not to bother me anymore." I huffed.

"Kaylee?" Ryan turned to the red-head who was now sporting an innocent look.

"I was just asking her very nicely to join us at the party tonight." Kaylee lied with a wobbling lower lip. She looked like she was going to cry. "I was just trying to be nice, Ry. I swear!" She sobbed.

She really deserves an Oscar!

I myself almost believe her!

"How could you do this, Liv? Were you trying to make me break up with Kaylee somehow?" He asked me incredulously.

Sweet mother of all things holy!

This is beyond anything I could have ever thought about.

"Why would I do that?!" I threw my hands up in the air before letting them fall back to my sides.

"So that you can get to him. You like Ryan, don't you?" Kaylee asked me with a tear-stained face.

Ryan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest.

Okay, this is all beyond insane!

"That's why she was refusing to come to the party. She didn't want to see you and Kaylee together. She knew that she would get jealous." One of Kaylee's friends said.

How do they even come up with such things?! These people are seriously weird!

"I'm not a petty girl who would fall down to such a level just for a guy I don't wanna even talk to!" I rolled my eyes.

"Then prove it. Join us at the party tonight." Ryan challenged me.

Oh! Nicely played!

This is really so damn cringy! Ugh!

I just want to go home and curl up in bed with my sweet treats and unhealthy junk food. I really don't have the mental energy to participate in teen drama!

But I don't back down from a challenge...

"I will. Only if you invite Hunter too." I replied. "You see, I had plans to go somewhere with him. So, if you want me to come to your stupid party, then you have to invite Hunter too." I smirked.

We did have plans for late night burgers... And ice cream...

"Deal." Ryan replied with a hard look.

Gotcha, buddy!

It's going to be a long long night...


Me: So, I am going to speed up the updates now because I have a plan for November that doesn't involve this story...

Olivia: That's heartbreaking!

Me: Not for me. *shrugs*

Paige: But it is for us!

Me: Well, it's not like I'm gonna leave this story incomplete!

Dan: That's a relief! *sighs*

Me: Anyways, I usually write about 50 chapters in my stories but this one was supposed to be less than 40K words long.

Kaylee: *snorts* How did that work out?

Me: Like usual, not well... I have already written more than that... But this one will be shorter than the others. I haven't written anything for the past week but I am determined to finish writing this story by the end of the month so that I can start a new one in November.

Olivia: Why's that?

Me: You see, this year I'm taking the Novel Writing Month thing seriously. I'm going to start a story on the first of November and finish it by the end of the month.

Hunter: The exciting thing about this new story will be that the author will upload the chapter as soon as it is written. No schedules to be followed.

Me: I'm just going to let my weirdness flow...

Paige: Are you going to pitch the idea of the story here?

Me: Nope! I can just say that this one's not a high school romance though...

Ryan: Well, moving on...

Olivia: The next update will be up on the day after tomorrow, 25th October 2021.

Hunter: Which is Monday. Until then, stay safe!

Me and Olivia: And eat Gummy Bears!

Curtains close as the author and the characters turn into snakes and slither away...

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