I'll Go On Part 2

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"Severus!" Minerva called out, trying to stop Severus from making any mistakes.

"No, Minnie. Let him be... he needs this. He needs her." You swallowed the lump in your throat as a tear began to fall.

You watched as he hugged Lily, stroked her red hair, and began to apologize profusely. He was holding her and looking at her in a way that you had never seen before. Was he really ever over her? Were you not enough? How, why did she come back? Was James back?

You nodded at Minerva and rose from your seat, excusing yourself for the night. The students and professors watched you leave, they all became worried. Whether you planned to fight it or not, you had just lost the love of your life. It felt like the world was ending as you crawled into your cold bed. It had been some time since you last stayed in your quarters, it was so quiet you could hear your soul breaking inside. You clung to your pillow, hoping this was a bad dream. Hoping that your worst fear would not come true, that Severus Snape would have a second chance with Lily. Tonight was going to be a sleepless night. Severus was supposed to accompany you to hogsmeade this evening but as to be expected he never showed up. You weren't up for an outing tonight anyway.

Dusk turned into dawn and you had classes to teach. Your tired body cracked when you stood from the bed. You didn't want to face your students or fellow Professors. Everyone knew Severus and you were in a committed relationship, you didn't keep your love a secret. You weren't ready to hear others theories or pity if there was any. You were trying not to get ahead of yourself though. He could just be thrilled that she is back and he'll be by your side in no time.

You walked into your bustling classroom, your students looking happy and well-rested.

"Good morning everyone, you all seem lively today," you gave a fake smile.

Luna Lovegood smiled and chirped, "Good morning, Ms. Y/l/n! We all got to sleep in, Potions Class was canceled for the rest of the week. Is Professor Snape okay?"

You haven't heard from 'Professor Snape' at all, you had no idea how he was doing. "He's a busy man, I suggest you all take this extra time to study for when he returns."

The students all began to sigh and mumble acknowledging how right you were. Just because the class was canceled didn't mean there was no work to be done.

When lunch rolled around you decided it would be best to check in on Severus. You needed to see how he was feeling or more like what he was feeling. You headed down to the dungeons and knocked on Severus' door. However, when you knocked the door opened slightly and you overheard a discussion he was having with Mrs. Potter.

"Lily, I cannot thank you enough for your forgiveness. Y-You don't know how much it means to me."

"Awe, Sev. You've grown and changed. I can see it so clearly, I am so proud of you. That necklace you gave me saved my life. I'm sorry I had to stay away for so long, my poor son," you heard her begin to cry.

"Come now, love. There is no need for tears, you're here now. You're safe," his raspy voice turned smooth.

Your chest tightened when you heard him call Lily 'love.'

Lily sighed, "H-How about you? How have you been, Sev? Did you ever find your special someone?"

This was the moment of truth, has he?

"Don't worry about me, I've been just fine," he answered, avoiding the subject.

Before you could walk in and interrupt or try to speak up you heard the sound of a kiss, several kisses along with a muffled moan. Your hand flew to your mouth to hide your sobs.

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