I'll Go On Part 1

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You never would have thought your life could get any better. You are a successful, well-liked Professor at the most prestigious school in the wizarding world, Hogwarts. Much to several witches and wizards surprise, you were madly in love with Severus Snape. You knew from the moment you sat down for dinner in the great hall. To his dismay, he was seated next to you, the new spritely, happy go lucky Professor. You had bugged him to speak with you and after several minutes he gave in. You had him smirking in minutes, which shocked both of you.

Severus and you had been together for a year and a half. Your relationship was nothing short of amazing. Sure you had your squabbles here and there but nothing you two couldn't handle. For the first time in your life, you were happy and secure within yourself.

The two of you couldn't be more different but you just worked. The only thing that really was a constant issue was Severus' jealousy. If anyone so much as looked you up and down you wouldn't hear the end of it. You had one jealous moment with Sev. It was when he told you about Lily. Lily was your only insecurity in your relationship but Severus had let her go the minute he realized he fell in love with you. He was all yours, you held his heart in your hands.

You were hoping Severus would propose to you sooner rather than later because you were more than ready to spend forever with him. You wanted to see a mini Severus running around your feet and making tiny little frowns. Maybe it'll happen by your two-year anniversary, you'd hoped.

You had just finished grading the third year's essays when you stood up and made your way to the great hall. Having dinner in the great hall was one of your favorite parts of the day. You were able to share a meal with the man you loved and your fellow Professors who had become your friends. You sat next to Severus and Minerva for tonight's meal, excited to let Minnie in on your weekend plans with Sev. It was going to be his birthday soon and you wanted to do something special.

You giggled, talking to Minerva, "Minnie, I don't think Severus would appreciate a surprise party. He's a solitary person."

"Not when it comes to you," she chuckled.

You playfully rolled your eyes, "exactly because it's me. If I weren't around he wouldn't be talking to Flitwick right now."

You both chuckled and continued your conversation. Under the table, you picked up Severus' hand, giving it a good squeeze. He loved it when you gave him affection for no reason at all. He squeezed your hand in return and stroked his thumb across your knuckles. You focused back on your conversation, eating and laughing without a care in the world.

Your laughing came to a halt when you saw the doors to the great hall open. Minerva's eyes followed yours, curious to see what caused you to go mute.

"Dear, Godric," she muttered.

You couldn't believe your eyes, how was this possible. This could not be happening. Your heart sunk and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You turned to Severus with a weak smile.

You cupped his cheek, forcing him to look at you, "Severus, I love you. Please, I'm begging you to remember that."

"Darling, what on earth-" He was cut off by the majority of the students gasping, his eyes moved to the middle of the great hall. "L-Lily?"

Lily Potter stood in the middle of the Great Hall alive and well, being held and supported by Harry. You saw how Sev's eyes glistened, his heart dropped, and his breathing stopped. There she was in the flesh, the love of his life. He pulled away from your touch and stood up to be by her side immediately.

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