8.4 Dismay

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Ayanokouji POV

"What the hell? God, I'm so goddamn tired..." An irritated Sudou appeared from the tent and looked around. 

"What's wrong?" Hirata asked. 

"Ah, Hirata-kun. I'm sorry, but can you please wake all of the boys? It's serious," said Shinohara, sounding apologetic. Whether she was flustered or angry, the issue didn't seem to be hers alone. A little further away, the girls glared at us. 

"Ichika, find out what's wrong?" I said. She nodded and went towards the girls tent.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Yotsuba looked grim. This is the first time I sensed anxiety from her, not even in the tests she wouldn't be this anxious.

"Where are the other three?" I asked.

"Ah, we woke up earlier than them. I think they must've been awake due to commotion, Kiyotaka-san." 

After a minute Ichika came with Itsuki

"Kiyotaka-kun, Miku's undergarments were stolen"

What? Why—

"It must've been some of those shitty perverted boys. We must find the bastard and castrate him." Itsuki interrupted my thoughts and cussed the unknown culprit.

This was the first time I've seen Itsuki cussing. Her eyes were filled with tears

"What?! Kiyotaka-san, we must find the culrpit?" Yotsuba was visibly shaken, and also shaking me

"Calm down," I said

"HOW CAN WE CALM DOWN?" Itsuki yelled. Tears were falling from her eyes. So as from Yotsuba and Ichika

"I know you all care about Miku. But think carefully, how perverted the boys in our class might be, they won't do this type of lecherous act on the exam. Where is Miku?"

"S-she's crying in the tent. Matsushita-san, Sato-san, and Nino are comforting her." Itsuki said

"WHY ARE YOU BLAMING US, WE DIDN'T EVEN DO IT." We heard Ike shouting throughout the distance.

"Miku-chan is crying in the tent. You boys always look at her with your perverted eyes. You boys were the culprits." Shinohara was also retorting. Her sense of judgment is very dumb.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP." Nino came with Miku whose eyes were swollen. Nino's face was red due to anger. She glared at Ike who almost pissed his pants. On the other hand, Miku's face is so pale and her eyes were red and swollen due to crying. She seems to be depressed. She is latching her arm towards Nino's hand

"Hirata, sorry but I need you to check every boy's bags. Kiyotaka, Ichika, Itsuki, Yotsuba, come with us. Satsuki, observe them." She signaled us to come towards the bushes

Shinohara nodded and saluted like a soldier. She really was their leader

We went with Nino. The boys were glaring at me.

They must be jealous due to the quint's trust in me.

"Hey, why would you take Ayanokouji with you. That gloomy bastard must be the one who stole Miku-chan's panties." Yamauchi said

"YEAH." Yelled the other boys, except Hirata and Miyake and unexpectedly Ike who was looking at his bag made a pale face.

'I see. So this was the plan, huh?'

"You" Nino pointed towards Yamauchi. "Shut up. I've known Kiyotaka for a while and he isn't a scum like you. Don't insult him or I will break your balls, perverted asshole. " Yamauchi gulped in fear, he knew she would most likely do it.

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