XIX | Arriving | XIX

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The girl was now only one afternoon away from the place she had to be. She had been walking for at least another two days, so she was glad she would finally arrive in a few hours. Of course, she was not there yet, because she did have to walk a few kilometers, but the thought was enough for Y/n, to have lots of motivation.

Patches were still with her and had not walked away anytime, which Y/n had thought the cat would leave her alone eventually, but never did. She had taken care of her as well as she could and hoped it was enough for Patches.

She had not heard anything from Dream yet either, which made her a bit sad if she was honest. Of course, she had run away, but she had hoped that he would at least try to find her. She did not hide from him, so in her mind, it would be easy enough to find her.

However, she could not really blame him. She had acted like a fool towards him, so she understood if he never wanted to talk to her either. She just missed him, the castle, Drista, and her now so-called 'step-parents.

In this world, it worked a bit differently. It was not that you had to adopt someone to be their stepparent. No, you are that when you are the one the person it at that moment. So, when you go to someone else for a night and your parents die, then the people you stay with are your step-parents unless you have already someone else in mind.

It was just trying to survive and trying to get as powerful as you can.

Although the girl was extremely tired, she had to push herself through it. She decided to first write another little poem, so she could relax a bit, before traveling through the woods again.

Nature is beautiful, quiet, and serene,
nature is the forest, with its many shades of green.
Nature is the birds, welcoming in the dawn,

nature is a calf, struggling to its feet as soon as it is born.
Nature is a salmon, swimming against the stream,
nature is a volcanic geyser, venting off steam.

Nature is a beast, kicking up a storm,
nature is the trees, all bent, and broken, looking so forlorn.
Nature is lightning striking the ground,
nature is a forest fire, consuming all around.

Nature is a tornado, with its screaming roar,
nature is a tidal wave, washing everything ashore.
Nature can be a beauty, and nature can be a beast.

The girl had written quite a lot of poems the last few days.

She always had liked writing them and looking back at them, and getting the same vibe again likewise she had written them. When the princess was younger, she had written an awful amount too. She aimed to write at least one a day. Besides reading she had not much to do, because her only friend was Techno and he was not often free anymore.

Nowadays, she did not write that often anymore. She only wrote when she wanted to and did not try to push herself as she did before. It made writing a lot more fun to do and it made it way easier to write it.

Y/n had not eaten much these past days, but that was the last thing she could worry about.

[Y/n] When I get home, I'll ask Niki or so to make something for me, or just the chefs. I will be fine.

The princess' stomach did not agree with her and yelled for food, which it did not get. Of course, the girl heard it, and of course, her stomach heard, but she tried to ignore it anyway.

Unlike yesterday, Y/n did not get up as early. The sun had already risen when she woke up, letting her know she had really needed her sleep. Normally, no matter what, she would wake up before the sun rose, but her body was incredibly exhausted. The fact that she remarkably did not eat enough, did not help that much either.

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