IV | Edessa | IV

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Today was the day.

The day Y/n did not look forward to.

Niki had packed all of Y/n bags and had made sure to put in there, some comfy clothes too. Niki would go in the carriage with Y/n and help her get her stuff inside, but then she had to go too. Y/n really did not want Niki to go away, but she had to.

Y/n's mother had been yelling at her to hurry up, as the Queen never wanted to be late. Y/n did not speed up her pace, however. Her mother had come several times in her room, to tell Y/n to hurry up, but that did not really affect the girl. Niki had already laid down some clothes to wear for Y/n down on the bedside table because she knew it would take Y/n forever to find the right outfit.

After a while, the princess was finally done and went downstairs. There was already food on the table, but Y/n did not really feel like eating, she was way too nervous to eat right now. She grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. The apple was burgundy, as her mother did not want any other colored apples. One time, Y/n had asked her to get green for once, but her mother told her it was nonsense.

"Oh, there you are! I looked for you everywhere."

"Sorry mother, I did not know that." Lie, She actually did know that, she just did not feel like talking to her mother. The girl was still a bit mad, that she had to stay in Edessa.

"We wanted to say that the three of us are coming with you in the carriage too. So we will be with Me, your father, your brother, and your maid."

"Thank you mother, that means a lot." It actually did mean a lot to Y/n. Okay yes, they were leaving her behind, but the fact that they wanted to stay with her as long as they could, let Y/n feel loved a bit more.

Y/n did not hate her family at all, sometimes she made it look like that, but she was very thankful to have them. Yes, sometimes she could kill them or something, but they did care about her and Y/n did know that. The princess' relationship with her parents was just sometimes difficult. They could yell at each other a lot, but after all, they all knew how much they meant to each other. And the same thing was with her brother, They would often shout at each other, but they did know how much they loved the other and they knew how much they meant to the other.

"Y/n? Are you done eating we got to go now?" Her father now came into the room while saying that. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked after her father to the carriage.

In front of the carriage walked two horses. They looked like each other. The horses were brown and warmbloods. Y/n noticed that they were probably Trakehners. The right horse had two Stockings rising above the knees and the other legs were just brown and were getting a bit of a darker shade as soon as they reached the hoof. It had a blaze with a snip. [A/n I don't know for sure if there is a snip always when you talk about a blaze. It's hard alright, It's not my first language.]

The left one was the same color as the right one, but only had a star on the forehead and had only one white stocking.
Both the horses had double bridles and the bridles looked fancy. The had a lot of golden and burgundy details.

When everyone sat in the coach with all of the luggage, they started, and Y/n saw their palace getting smaller and smaller until she could not see it anymore.

"So Y/n, you promise to behave?" Her father spoke up, breaking the awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"I promise if you promise to get back as soon as you can."

"Y/n we talked about this." her mother said before her father could say anything.

"I promise Y/n." The Queen looked a bit mad at the man, to let him know that was not okay to say.

State of Mind \\ Y/n x DWT \\✔️Where stories live. Discover now