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Soft lights, murmuring all around, the whole hall was surrounded with purple and whitish hue, the smoky white clouds, made it even look like a beautiful fairy tale.

Arjun was standing alone, at the centre of the hall, with a glass of wine in his hand. Red enough to match his passion and the vileness of his soul. Blood red.

Though, he wore a navy blue suit, with a cream coloured shirt inside. A small dandelion bouquet graced his coat pocket, something he too craved in his life. But, he was only gifted with thorns of rose, when he never wanted rose in the first place.

So was society, always imposing what it wants, despite the individual's own admiration. Lucky are those, who get what they wish for.

Arjun, he got everything he wanted, but in the process lost his soul to the Devil. And the things he planned for, will now only stop at the complete destruction of a certain someone. Ranvijay. His own elder brother. His own blood. The brother that used to run around the house, lifting him over his shoulder. The brother that would take the extra hit just to save him. The brother who always shared the pickle of his share to him, since he liked it. But, the same brother for whom he was forced to the edge, the brother who eloped for his own good, leaving him behind in the mess of some highly toxic people. The same brother, who became so unbearable to him, that he went to commit suicide.

He was inflicting pain just to have his tranquil of having had revenge, but little did he know, he was just a battered soul, desperate for love. 

And who knew, the love will come from his very own brother. His life was that weird parabola of graph that lead to nowhere but remained running round and round the same point, leaving him scarred.

He looked around the hall only to find Ranvijay, ever so lovingly looking at his wife Niharika, dancing with her hand in hand.

He mocked chuckled at himself, "Look how happy and in love he is, I did all, yet he is the one happier. I am still here wailing in agony."

He removed his eyes to be met with another pair of eyes, certainly glaring at his. A genuine smile spread across his face. This vixen. Sunaina. She was clad in a sequin saree of blue, sky blue, turquoise and mauve."She is looking like a Goddess, just the opposite of what she is actually."

For moments he forget his all ploys, his eyes zeroed at the beauty in front of him, that glared at him and then chose to ignore him as a whole. He carefully looked at her, her big earrings were dangling along with the air. She wasn't the model figure type, she surely loved eating and hated exercising. Just like Niharika.

No matter how much he wanted to deny, these two women have effectively influenced his sanity on a whole new level.

His playful side surfaced, all he wanted was Sunaina's attention. Afterall he was the bad boy. Nobody resists his charm. How dare she.

Sunaina was chit chatting with some other people in the business party.

Arjun neared her, and asked, "May I have a dance."

Sunaina smiled bitterly at him, she can't make a scene in front of so many business delegates. So she was obliged to dance.

"Have you completely lost your brain cell?" Asked Sunaina, coming to the dance floor along with him.

"Yes, your beauty made me lose my mind," Arjun countered taking her hand in his, slowly matching steps.

"Gosh, how can people call you cassanova, when you have such poor flirting skill! My shoe can dance better than you."

"I guess, my lady, you are a bit inexperienced in this department. Cassanova doesn't mean they are good at flirting," he twirled her, and pulled her forcefully to his chest, her back got attached to his chest, he lowered his mouth near her ears, whispering, "it means they are good at other things like,..."

Sunaina was breathing hard, while he continued, "like.. racing heartbeats," his lips almost touched her ears. She shivered at the effect, her eyes closed.

Arjun was still swaying her from side to side, happy to finally tame the continually chattering angry bird or so he thought.

After a minute or so, Sunaina finally got her senses back, and the first thing she did was, she slowly put her sharp pointed heel on Arjun's boot, silently crushing his foot under hers.

Arjun didn't even flinch at the pain, little did she know, these are nothing to him, he has recovered from much bigger hit.

"Now, that my lady, was quite outrageous! But Arjun pays each debt in compound interest."

Before she can comprehend his words, he twirled her once again, now facing each other.
He clutched her hair, smashing his lips on her.

Sunaina was shell shocked. He was punishingly kissing her, she was trying to push off, but he was gripping her like an iron grips magnet.

He bit her lips, drawing blood, only then he left her lips. He smirked at her, tasting her blood on his tongue.

"How dare you!" Sunaina glared at her, kicking him on the shin, and then tackled him on the ground.

"Aahhhhhh," Arjun screeched in terror. He opened his eyes after the initial pain subsided. He looked around only to find himself sitting on the ground of his bed room.

"All this was dream?"

He stupidly looked at his pajamas, and the messy bed with a hanging quilt which was still twirled up with his one leg. He scratched his head, "But why the hell was I kissing that vixen? I could have punished her in some other way. "

A sharp pain arose in his head, he clutched with his both hands, "Gosh, I need to cut my drinks."


I had no plans of this, but on request of some viewers and my special best friend, I am writing this. Hope you like it.

Who have read 'Way Back Home' already know a lot, but give 'Way to Home' sometime, it will eventually get there.

And, Suchi, Magicalpenner , here is your birthday gift. 🥴

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