"Well, that Kübelwagen is in good condition, even the key is still in the lock."

"And you conveniently believe, that you can leave those corpses with us? You conveniently believe, that the car mechanics of the Engineering Corps do burials as a hobby?"

"No, I'm far away from that assumption, but this car is a crime scene and it has to get investigated by the military police. You see that Lieutenant Colonel in there? He got shot in the head. I'm sure, the military police wants to investigate this", I explained to him.

"Eh, your OMGUS is a funny part of the US Army. Cigarette theft, Jack Daniels distribution, car extraction, seizing and repatriation, presidential convoys, crime investigation, necrophilia. What else do you do", he asked me?

I could have added, event organization, lesbianism, Kilt-cracking, black market trading, prison cell cleaning, shooting rapists and sleeping with a communist, but I did not deem that knowledge beneficial in order to improve the Master Sergeant's opinion about me. "Don't tell me. My job is ambiguous and complicated", I mused.

"So you don't even deny. Well bring that car in that corner over there and make sure, the military police will remove those bodies until Monday morning", he commanded, pointing to a far away corner of the Hauptkadettenanstalt.

I talked to the tow-truck driver and when we were about to bring the Kübelwagen into that far away corner, the Master Sergeant yelled again: "And when those poison gas corpses are not gone by Monday morning, I will charge you an extra 100 dollars a day."

After the Kübelwagen had gotten moved out of the way, I suddenly had an idea: we could drive by the Neue Reichskanzlei at the corner of Voßstraße and Hermann Göring Straße. This is where Hitler had his official residence as a chancellor of the 3rd Reich. I just had a feeling, that we could find more limousines there.

When we arrived at the Reichskanzlei, it was immediately obvious, that the building had not gotten destroyed

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When we arrived at the Reichskanzlei, it was immediately obvious, that the building had not gotten destroyed. It even was in perfect condition. In Hermann Göring Straße, we found 2 gates, which were big enough to allow cars to enter. Obviously, they were locked and those were sturdy gates, likely made from Krupp-steel. The tow-truck driver drove right up to the southern gate until the bumper touched it and then pushed the accelerator down, until the locking mechanism gave way. The gate got quite damaged that way, but it was open now. After I went inside the courtyard, I immediately spotted an underground parking ramp. Among other vehicles, there were two Mercedes G4 stretch convertibles in mint condition. The big G4 convertibles with the 6 wheels, kind a visually jumped at me, they were sticking out. When my gaze went over the other vehicles, I spotted a white BMW 328 roadster, a very, very beautiful two-seater convertible. Mesmerized, I went over, let my hand glide over the fine finish of the fender and the door and then sat into it. It was love at first sight. The red leather seat hugged me and the wooden steering wheel cajoled my hands. I moved the seat in position and I already knew, that this would be an extraordinary friendship. By no means, could I leave my newly found love here. I had to bring it into safety.

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