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After we finished talking about the twins, she just asks about both me and stephanie and some other things

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After we finished talking about the twins, she just asks about both me and stephanie and some other things.


Its been a couple weeks since the interview and I hadn't been back to work yet.

Hit today I was going back to set to film a new movie and I was happy because scarlett  was going to be filming with me so I wasn't alone.

"Hey babe, do you think you could grab me a drink before you leave?" Steph asks as she feeds one of the twins.

I quickly run to the fridge and grab her a glass of water and going back to hand it to her.

"Okay, I love you babe. Have a good day." I say kissing her gently before kissing both my baby girls head.

And with that i leave the house, slightly wishing I could stay but also happy to get back to work.

As I get in my car and drive to set I realise that this is the first I have left my babies for more than half an hour.

I turn up the radio and blast my music, make the most of this.

As I pull up into the car park and get out of the car, scarlett run over to me.

"Baby pictures now!"

"You literally saw them yesterday." I say with a chuckle as I grab my bag and lock the car.

"So? I love my neices." She says with a shrug as we walk towards the building.

"Well stephanie says if she and the twins can, she will bring them over around lunch."

"Okay, well let's get to set."

Stephanie's POV-

Lizzie left about an hour, and I'm laying in bed watch tv with both of my baby girls laying fast asleep on my chest, when my phone started ringing.

I make sure it didn't wake my girls up before picking it up and answering.

I see it was my mothers mama using her landline.

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