chapter 1

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steph's pov- 

my name is Stephanie Williams, I mostly go by Steph but a couple of people call me by my middle name. But that's not the point right now.

I'm 21 and I don't have a soulmate, you see everyone has a link to your soulmate. there are different kinds like you feel their pain, whatever you draw on your body appears on theirs, the finger tie, the color blind until you meet them, the tattoo one. 

there are so many links and I don't have any of them, I gave up looking or hoping I had one when I was 19.

it was the day of my birthday, and like most of the unlucky kids, I had to go to uni on it. I was walking down the halls when I bumped into the popular girl.

her words stayed in my brain for months after that.

"you are such a freak, no wonder you don't have a soulmate"

at first, I was denying it, saying to myself I do have one. that my link is special but I came to terms with it. 

if I had a soulmate, my link would be here. I told myself instead of being sad that I'm soulmate-less that I should just get on with my life.

I finished university this year and I start my first year of teaching in a week when summer ends.

I spent most of my summer with my best friends Ollie and April, they are the greatest. they were there for me when I was upset about my soulmate in high school.

April found her soulmate when we were 18. their link is the whatever you draw on your body appears on theirs.

what was great, because they mess with each other. I remember one time April came to school with boobs on her forehead with the words. 'these are my soulmates titties'. and that's how she found out her soulmate was a girl.

ollie, she's not found her soulmate yet but her link is the pain link but she also gets the mark that the pain leaves. And let's just say her soulmate is a clutz. she always has a cut or a bruise.

anyway, I'm currently getting ready to get out of bed to move to my living room to watch movies.

I quickly grab my throw blanket and run down the stairs, which turns out to be a bad idea as I fall flat on my face at the bottom.

I lay there for a minute, rubbing my forehead lightly before standing up again, walking into the living room, and throwing myself on the sofa.

yes, I'm 21 and acting like a child so what! it is summer, and I have no plans today let me be lazy.

I turn the tv on before putting on Ingrid goes west, I wrap myself in the blanket like a burrito before losing myself in the movie.

to be honest, I'm only watching it for Elizabeth Olsen, I mean she's a goddess. whoever her soulmate is, is a very lucky person.

that's how I spend most of my day, watching movies and most of them having Lizzie in them.

once I had finished avengers infinity war, I decided that I was going to get something to eat before going back to bed.

it's days like this, that I wished I had a soulmate. I had nothing to do and I just feel lonely.

seeing all these people online meeting their soulmates, or showing their link, I just wish I had that you know?

I just throw a pizza in the oven and set a timer before sitting on the counter and going onto tweeter.

I mindlessly scroll through it for a while before I see a post that catches my interest.

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