Lining Up

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Win big or go home. That's the name of the game. You put in your blood, sweat, and tears and hope to make success or you become the next total disaster. Those who fall can't always stand back up. You might have to pack up, and dream that you could have one day been a big shot but instead you regret the mistake that ended your career.

This situation seemed no different. The minute that mare gave birth, it was clear that foal couldn't run. But they had to try. They needed prize money and racing seemed it was the one thing that could help this little one.

By the time the foal had turned into a colt, you knew the race track was not where this horse was supposed to be. Most people would say strap a halter, some bells, a harness, and a sleigh and call him a sled horse. Even the barn's jockey refused to ride him because he feared he wouldn't make enough money to keep his family under a roof. They named the colt Win Big, to you know not jinx him by calling him "Go Home" or some other rude term that would imply this horse to get off all race tracks. Though the owner and even Win Big put in a valiant effort. After a half a year of training Win Big seemed as ready as he could be for his first race.

News got to reporters. The word spread like wildfire. All over different newspapers the buzz was, "Heavy Horse, Win Big, Attempts To ' Win Big'!" Almost immediately after newspapers were distributed, Win Big became the laughing stock everywhere. Only a few people believed Win Big could pull it off, the owner, his wife, and a very dimwitted jockey who were all obviously oblivious to this "race" horse's appearance. But they were desperate nonetheless. Though no one had personally seen Win Big except for the barn crew and the owner, wife, and jockey. People only heard rumors and the breeding lines. Boy! Would people be shocked.

After two exhausting hours of driving and frequently pulling off the highway to keep Win Big loose, they finally made it to the stakes race. As the truck and trailer bumped along the parking lot, the truck backed up to a good spot to unload Win Big. As people noticed the trailer, a crowd gathered around ready to see the 'heavy horse'.

The trailer stopped. Everyone quieted down as the owner turned the ignition off with a flick of his wrist and opened the door to get out. He closed the door softly behind him as he then made his way to the back of the trailer. He put his hand on the latch of the door. He thought, I can take my hand off this latch get right back into the truck and drive straight home. No. It was too late now, he popped opened the latch and opened the door. He slipped past Win Big and undid the halter tied to a hook on the trailer. The colt started to back up. Soon Win Big was revealed to the world and everyone was ready to fall down, roll on their backs and die of laughter. With wide hindquarters, rounded frame, broad shoulders, thick neck, and a big head, even a person who know nothing about horse racing could tell this was not a competitive racing horse.

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