~Chapter 10~

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The elevator doors opened and there was Chica right in front of the elevator. I covered my mouth immediately. Her back was turned towards me, I prayed she wouldn't turn around.
I was feeling tense and my stomach was swirling.
Please don't turn around please please please.
She walked off and I let out a sigh of relief making my way down stairs back to then main entrance. Staff bots were everywhere.

"I see youuu" I heard from behind me

I turned around to see Chica coming towards me
Fuck! I ran back to the rooms and ran into Freddys room praying she didn't see me.
Then I heard running outside Freddy's window so I panicked going to his back room charging station and climbing into the vents I put my hand over my mouth again and listened

"Y/n! We're only trying to help!" I heard Chica inside the room.

I heard something crawling in the vents. I panicked better not be a rat. In came crawling a tiny version of music man.

"Ehhh, get away." It tilted its head before running towards me

I shrugged "it's too small to harm me." Tiny music man ran up to me biting a whole chunk of my thigh off

"AAAHOW" I covered my mouth immediately and picked up music man yeeting him out the vents as I crawled in a little farther listening to chicas footsteps come back and around to where the vent was.

I wasn't worried cause I knew she couldn't fit in the vent but if she found out I was here she'd wait as long as she needed to for me to come out. She looked around before walking back out. I waited in the vents to make sure she was fully gone.

After a good amount of time I crawled out the vent, my thigh leaving a stream of blood behind me. I was in pain.

"Freddy please find me" I walked back into Freddy's room and looked around hoping to find something to wrap around my thigh. Nothing.

I sighed taking my shirt off. Since it was long sleeve it worked perfectly. I tied it around my thigh to stop the bleeding. I sighed covering my body shivering a little praying Foxy or Freddy would come back. I limped out of Freddy's room and made my way through a door that slid open. I shivered as I saw one of Freddy's charging docks. The 5th one I've seen today.

It made me wonder where Freddy could be.
I walked up to the charging dock. It was really dark inside. I opened it getting in knowing this was the best hiding spot I would probably find in this room.
I sighed looking at the fazwatch
What's the point he won't even receive the calls
Just then I felt someone pick me up from under my arms. I screamed

"Not so loud y/n." Freddy said holding me and pushing my head into his chest.

I felt like a baby being held by the animatronic. My legs wrapped around his waist and my head laying in his chest. It was such a relief to be back in Freddy's arms.

"Y/n are you not wearing a shirt?"

Oh- shit uhhh what do I say?

"How so" he said rubbing my back

"I had to tie my shirt around my thigh, I got hurt again."

"I see.. may I ask you how?"

"Music man"

"Hmm, let's get you to first aid and find you a shirt from the gift shop back at the main entrance." 

Freddy said exiting his charging dock.

"Yea that sounds like a good idea" I said holding onto him as he carried me back to the main entrance. 

He didn't put me down until we got to the gift shop.
That's when he really got to see me in the light.
He went silent. I turned quickly to the rack of shirts settling for the shirt with the pizza plex Freddy logo. I put the shirt on and Freddy picked me up again.

"I apologize.."

"For what?" I asked

"All the events that have occurred tonight"

"It isn't your fault Freddy, you're fine.."

"These are my friends hurting you, I feel as if it is partially my fault"

"How could any of your friends actions be your fault?"

"I don't know.. but I still feel the need to apologize"
"Well you don't have to, you can't control any of this."

"I know.."

we arrived to first aid and he set me down.
"I'm sorry, I am not programmed to treat wounds on a human.."

"Stop apologizing so much, Freddy. I'll do it- just keep watch alright?"

He nodded as I opened the first aid bag and he turned his back to me to keep watch.

I tried my best to clean the blood off my leg and then I place some rubbing alcohol on it. I let out a whine as it stung. Freddy turned around immediately.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just hurts a little"

He watched me clean the wound and wrap bandages around it. I stood up still in pain. I think Freddy could tell because he picked me up again.

"Freddy! I almost forgot"

"What is it?" He asked

"We have to go back to the atrium! Foxys still there"

Freddy stopped dead in his tracks

"How do you know who Foxy is?"

"Huh. Why are you surprised? He said you sent him to help me."

"I did not send anyone to you, there is no Fox at the pizza plex.."

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