~Chapter 5~

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I almost punched the button to let me into the back of Freddys room where he charges, but Monty wasn't stupid he knew where I went.

I ran for my fucking life turning every which way not knowing where I was going. I heard Monty's footsteps right behind me and I ran out back to the main entrance.

I looked back and Monty was still on me. I started running again being noticed by one of the staff bots and now chica was after me too! Could this get any worse?

I ran into an elevator mashing the buttons trying to close the door. I saw the door closing as Monty ran towards it. Come on come on! I tried to reach Freddy on my watch as I was out of breath

"Freddy please! I'm being chased by Monty! I'm in the elevator on the first floor near the main entrance."

"Don't worry I'm nearby!" I heard him respond immediately.

Monty got to the elevator just in time before it closed forcing it back open. Now I really couldn't do anything or run any other way, I put my back up against the wall putting my hands over my face

"PLEASE!" I cried

I heard Monty's laugh and then a thud.

"Huh?" I put my hands down and saw Monty on the ground on his butt and Freddy behind him.

"Y/n come!"

I ran out of the elevator but Monty grabbed my leg dragging me towards him as I fell on my face and my lip and nose started bleeding. Monty got up and held me up in front of him as a tear ran down my face.

"This is the one who got locked in eh?" He chuckled squeezing my arms practically cutting off the
circulation as he opened his mouth wide and pulled me towards him like he was about to eat me.

I screamed and then I was pulled back out of his hands, but as I was being pulled out of Monty's arms, since he was gripping so tight his claws scratched me as I was being pulled away 3 scratch marks on each arm, blood pouring out of both, I felt like I was gonna pass out from all the blood I was seeing.

Freddy was holding me now.

"We need to get to first aid." Freddy said as he ran with me in his arms. We entered through red doors and he took a few turns and then set me down in first aid.

"I.. am not sure what to do, y/n.."

"Please- just find bandages... we need to wipe the blood off first"

I was in so much pain I couldn't even think straight.
He pulled some bandages out of a box.

"I'm am truly sorry y/n ..."

"Just wrap them around my arm, please.."
He started wrapping my arm tightly and the then he did the other

"I hope I did it correctly.."

"Yea that's fine, thank you Freddy.."

I said weakly still in pain.

He grabbed some tissues wiping my nose and lips.
"I apologize for everything that just occurred"

"It's fine you had no control over any of that"

"I should have done a better job at protecting you, my superstar"

"Freddy don't blame yourself let's just get out of here."

"Okay" he said holding my hand as we walked

"Can we go back to Sundrop please?"

"I'm afraid the lights are still off in there. You had called when I was in the middle of turning on the generators."

"Isn't there a way I can go with you? Or help?"

"No, it is too dangerous."

"Freddy please, I could really use some of his positivity right now.."

"Are you saying.. I am not positive?"

"What? No no no- Im saying... I miss Sun?"

"I suppose you could climb in my chest cavity and hide there while I turn on the generators."

He opened his chest cavity.


"I apologize, I did not think you would be comfortable in here"

I climbed in and I had to have my knees up to my chest but at least it was safe in here. It was warm and a little cramped but so cool to see through Freddy's eyes.

I watched as he navigated through the pizza plex back into the daycare, it was still really dark but the light coming from Freddy helped.

I saw moon jumping around in the corners.

"Look!" I whispered to Freddy "a generator to your left"

"Yes, I see"

"Cmon let me out and I can help you!"

"Y/n it is too dangerous"

"I can help!"

"You will get lost"

"Don't worry about me Freddy"

"You are already injured y/n.."

"Please Freddy I'm begging you"


He let me out of his chest and I jumped up
"Yay! Now I can help, I can't wait to see Sun again!"

"Not so loud, y/n."

"Right. Sorry!" I whispered.

Freddy handed me a flash light and I ran up in the play area to the places where Freddy couldn't get to.

Locked In- Five nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Where stories live. Discover now