Hiding Spot

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When you had come down from your high, Ran released his legs from yours and hugged you from behind, your tired head resting on his chest. He smiled down at you and used a hand to hold your chin up. He kissed you gently.

Ran caressed your cheek with his thumb then pulled you closer. "You belong to me now. Don't forget it." He whispered matter of factly in your ear.

You didn't hate being held in his arms like that. For the moment, it felt comforting. You were so drained. You were definitely still planning on escaping when you could, but for now, maybe this was ok. You relaxed into the gangster, letting him cradle you.


A Phone buzzed from under a pillow behind Ran. He let out a long, exasperated sigh and went to retrieve the device.

It was a small black flip phone, likely a burner. He flipped the device open and placed it to his ear.

"What is it?" He said in an annoyed tone. The person on the other side of the line spoke for a while but you couldn't make out what they were saying.

Ran rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah I already did that. No there's no way they-" A pause. "Ok. I'll meet you there. You better be right about this." 

After the other man had finished speaking, Ran promptly hung up the phone and placed it into the back pocket of his slacks.

He looked down at you regretfully. Ran squeezed you close for a minute or so, then his hands trailed up your naked body one last time, until they both found purchase around your throat. 

Fear jolted you out of your comfortable lull, your eyes widened.

"Is this where he kills me?!" You thought in a panic. Your fearful globes met Ran's eyes. The utter size of both of his whole hands wrapped around your neck forced your head to strain. But Ran was only smiling contentedly. He pecked your lips, gave your neck a slight, playful squeeze, before let you go. 

To Ran this action wasn't much, but it reminded you of who he was, a murderer...and where you were, the headquarters of the most cut throat gang in Tokyo.

Ran sighed heavily and then slid off of the bed.

The gangster walked over to his floor length mirror at the corner of his room. He tucked his still raging boner into his waistband , unruffled his cloths, fixed his hair then turned back to you and spoke. "Sorry Doll, I have to head into work. Finish up in here would yah?"His face looked genuinely disappointment at the fact that he had to leave you.

Ran walked over to you and gave you one last peck on the lips, then turned to walk out of the room.

Before he left Ran clicked an absurdly high button hidden at the top of his door frame. You could here the inner mechanism holding the wooden gateway shut slide open, unlocking the door and allowing Ran to exit.

Ran Haitani turned his head and winked at you, then he had gone.

After he had disappeared, you let out a small, hollow laugh of defeat. Even if you had managed to grab the knife before hand, the unlock button on Ran's room's door was so high up that you would've never been able to get to it. 

You let out a long breath. "When at first you don't succeed, try try again." You said in an attempt at an upbeat tone. You continued to lay there for a minute or two before you launched yourself up off of Ran's bed, found your cloths and went back to cleaning.

With all that had gone down in the bedroom earlier at least you now knew where Ran's door's unlock switch was, and even that knowledge was something that might, somehow, prove useful. 

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