"Alright, I'll chat about the management side of things with Lady Phenix. You guys should probably go explore the house or check your bedrooms on the second floor." Momonga turned to address his Peerage. "We'll gather somewhere afterwards and see about our future affairs."

A chorus of 'okay' and 'sounds good' responded to him. However, before Momonga realized it, Yubelluna and Xuelan had flanked him and both women kissed his cheeks at the same time, leaving the body-snatcher Overlord in a completely stunned state.

Xuelan waved back playfully as she and Yubelluna retreated up the stairs to the second floor after suppressing a giggle over the expressions that had spread over the rest of Momonga's Peerage's faces.

"Uwah." Koneno's voice was quite disturbed. "Hentai is cheating already. Wait, how did... is hentai blackmailing Xuelan-san and Yubelluna-san?"

"A-ah, I don't think Issei would do that..." Asia was blushing to her hairline, again, and she took Koneko's hand before leading her up the stairs as well. "Um, perhaps he's just become popular?"

"..." Koneko's eyes widened in horror and the two practically fled upstairs.

Momonga felt that the horrified behaviour of Koneko was muted somewhat by how she and Asia kept hugging the plushies Momonga had bought for them.

Yuuto seemed to sense a change in the air and evacuated himself as well, leaving just Momonga to face Rias and Akeno, the former was looking at him with her mouth agape and with a expression of shock on her face, and the latter was looking like she had just caught a kid whose hand had been in the cookie jar, complete with a sadistic and joyful expression gracing her features.

Momonga could have sworn he heard a faint 'kukuku...' coming from the raven-haired girl's direction.

"Well, um, Akeno-san, I'm not sure if your room is next to Rias's and mine this time, but I'll find a way to rectify this situation we've found ourselves in." Momonga decided that he wasn't prepared for the fallout, and decided to instead hop into a bunker that was the management conversation with Lady Phenix. "Please go check out the estate, we'll discuss this, uh, incident later. Yes, definitely. Also, despite what you just saw, please don't worry, Rias. I am not planning on committing adultery. Such would be a great disgrace for me personally and great disgrace for the family name."

Rias flinched violently, causing Momonga to pause before he realized the source of the girl's distress. "Ah, I do not think your relationship with Akeno-san is adultery towards myself. After all, she's your girlfriend from before our political union. So please don't think that what you saw was me 'getting equal', that was not at all my intention."

Rias seemed to stumble over the flat floor and Akeno caught her just before she'd fall on her face. "Ufufufufu... Rias-chan, you heard the man, let's go check~out~the~bed~room..."

Momonga mentally thumbled up Akeno for distracting Rias and made his own escape towards Lady Phenix.



Ainz Ooal Gown: Supreme Being in DxDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora