Chapter Eleven

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Belle woke up the next morning earlier than she normally would. She had tossed and turned in bed off and on all night long. She was having a hard time getting and staying asleep, and she couldn't get comfortable for most of the night. She decided she would get up when she smelt breakfast being cooked. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, to see her Grammy cooking breakfast. "Good morning Grammy. I hope you and Pop pop slept good?"
"Good morning sweetie. We did, thank you for asking."
"You're welcome Grammy. Is there anything that I can help you with?"
"I don't think so, although I sure would love the company. But what are you doing awake and up so early?"
"I can definitely keep you company. And I'm up early, because I couldn't sleep. I was awake, and tossed and turned all night long. And I was having a hard time getting and staying comfortable. But I guess I should get used to that, shouldn't I Grammy?"
Grammy laughed. "My darling, there is a lot that you're going to have to get used to, but just be thankful that you have everyone here to help you. I remember when I was pregnant with your father, I had no one. Your great grandparents shunned me and kicked me out, and your father's biological father left me as soon as he found out I was pregnant. I was alone, that is until I met your Pop pop. I worked as a waitress in a diner at night after I got out of school, and he was one of my regular customers. He became one of the only friends that I had, and when he found out that I was pregnant, he wanted to help me out and do whatever he could to help me raise a baby. His family graciously took me in, and I did whatever I could to help them out, for taking me in. They wouldn't let me pay them, but I offered to do whatever I could to help around the house. And then your father was born, and your Pop pop and I got married, and his family was so happy to have me and your father join their family. Your Pop pop was back then, what Riley is to you now. When you find someone like that, that is that special to you and would do anything for you, you do whatever you can to make sure you never lose that person. Watching you two yesterday, and the way he looks at you, he really does care about you."
"Thank you Grammy, for telling me all that. I had no idea that you dealt with all that with your your family. I am very grateful and thankful that mom and dad didn't do that with me, because I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Riley's family doesn't like me, or the fact that he wants to be there for me during my pregnancy and wants to help me raise my babies. Now he's worried, though, that his parents will kick him out and he has nowhere to go." Belle said back to her Grammy.
"My dear, if your mother and father had kicked you out, you could've come to live with your Pop pop and I. Yes, we would've still been upset with you, but we still would've taken you into our house. And why would Riley's parents kick him out for wanting to help you and take over the father figure role in your babies' lives? Just because he fell in love with his best friend, and wants to be the better man so you wouldn't have to do it alone? Because the father is no longer in the picture? They would be so wrong for that. He is a fine, and mature young man for his age. I'm sure your father would gladly take him in, so then he could be closer to you and the babies, and be there for you whenever you need him."
"Grammy, he comes from a military family. He told me that he was going to stand up to them about me. He said he wasn't going to let them talk about me. And he told me that they kicked out his brother because he also stood up to them about a girl. And I'll have to talk to and ask dad about it, if or when that time comes."
"Ask dad what, about when what time comes?" Belle's father asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Good morning, daddy. Um, well, I was going to wait to ask you, but Riley's parents may or may not be kicking him out. He said that he was going to stand up to them for talking negatively about me, and he might get kicked out like they did to his brother for the same thing. And if they do, he's going to need somewhere to go. So I was wondering if that happens, if maybe you and momma would let him move in here?" Belle asked, almost hesitantly. But she started batting her eyes. Her father started thinking a moment. "Well, you know how I feel about boys staying here, even though he has stayed here before. But, since it's Riley, and I actually like the young man, I don't mind it, but I will talk to your mother this afternoon or this even. She and I will discuss it, and as long as she agrees, and his parents do kick him out, then we'll need to make room arrangements." Belle's father told her. "Batting the eyes, works every time," Belle thought. Belle hugged her father. "Thank you, daddy." Belle's father smiled, hugged her back and then walked over to his mother. He gave her a side kiss on the forehead. "Good morning, mom. What are you doing cooking breakfast?" he asked her.
"Because I enjoy cooking for my family. I don't get to do that as often as I want to anymore, since you moved you and your family here to L.A. Therefore, while your father and I are here, I would like free reign of the kitchen." Jason laughed. "Alright, mom, the kitchen is yours while you two are here."
Grammy finished breakfast just as everyone was coming downstairs. "Mmm, breakfast smells good, Grammy," Carter said as they all piled into the kitchen. The boys grabbed their plates and was about to start getting what they wanted, but Grammy stopped them. "You boys hold off. Belle gets to come fix hers first. She's eating for three now." Belle grabbed her plate and fixed her a little bit of everything; bacon, sausage, eggs, grits, french toast, hash browns, and a glass of orange juice. After Belle sat down, everyone else fixed their plates and joined Belle at the table. Belle's father said grace and they all dug in.

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