Chapter Ten

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After finding out that Derek had been released on bond, Belle locked herself in her bedroom. She laid on her bed, with the bedroom door and the balcony door locked, curtains closed, and her phone on silent. Belle didn't want to be bothered, she didn't want to leave her bedroom, and quite frankly, she was scared to go outside. And she became so worried about Derek coming back to try and finish what he started, that she hasn't even been able to tell her family yet that she's going to be having twins. Belle's family, and Riley, were all getting worried about Belle again. She wasn't letting anyone in her room, and she wasn't picking up the phone when one of them texted or called her. As much as they didn't want to think the worst, they were worried that they would end up walking in to a repeat of the last time she locked herself in her bedroom, or worse.
It has been almost twenty four hours since finding out about Derek. Belle, sitting in her dark room, started thinking, "Why am I sitting here, in a dark room, alone, locking myself in here? Derek doesn't and won't have that kind of power over me, and I cannot, I will not let him have that satisfaction. He doesn't deserve that satisfaction. I will not keep myself hidden away in here, while he's out there living life until his trial. I will NOT live in fear because of him and his release. At his trial, he WILL be convicted and WILL sit in prison for a long time." Belle got up from her bed, put a smile on her face, and went downstairs. "Belle!" Riley exclaimed, when Belle reached the bottom of the stairs. "I know, shocking that I came out of my room, but I can't live in fear of Derek, or the thought of him coming back to finish what he started. I know everyone here won't let that happen, so I have to just live my life, and enjoy it. I have two babies to get prepared for." Belle's mother came running into the living room from the kitchen, "Did you say two babies?! You're having twins?!" Belle laughed, "Yes, mama! I found out yesterday when I was at the doctor." Belle's mother excitedly ran over to Belle and embraced her in a big hug. "That's wonderful!" When Belle's mother let go of her from the hug, the boys and their father were all coming downstairs to help get things ready for dinner and for their grandparents, Belle's dad's mom and dad, to come and visit. They live in Arizona, and are coming to stay a couple of days with the family. "Well look who has finally come out from the darkness," Tripp joked. "So, what is so wonderful?" he asked. "Belle found out yesterday that she's having twins!" Belle's mother exclaimed excitedly. "Wait, so you mean to tell me that we're going to have two little ones running around here?" Their father asked sarcastically. "Yes daddy, there are going to be two little me's running around here." Belle said, laughing. "But, I'm not sure that I'm ready for two."
"You got this, and you are going to be a wonderful mother." Riley told her. "And you have all of us here, including Riley to help you. We're your family, we aren't going to make you do it alone. And we don't see Riley here leaving you." Mason reassured Belle. She knew she had her family and Riley to help her raise her babies, but she still had some uneasiness about being a mother.
"I guess we, well I, need to tell Grammy and Pop Pop when they're here for dinner. I just know they aren't going to react well. They're going to be upset because I'm pregnant and not married. I don't want them to be disappointed in me," Belle said, starting to get teary eyed, and decided to go back up to her room. "I need to go get ready." She walked upstairs and went into her closet. She figured she would just put on some comfy jeans and a loose top. That would at least look better than her baggy sweatpants and hoodie that she has on. She sat down at her vanity, and just stared in the mirror for a moment, before throwing her hair up in a messy bun, and did just a little bit of makeup, or what looked like a little bit. She made sure to cover up the bruises that Derek had given her at the beginning of the week. While she sat there, there was a knock on her door. "Come in." The door opened, and Riley popped his head in. "Hello beautiful. I figured I would come up and check on you, but also to let you know that your grandparents will be here in a few minutes." Riley walked all the way into the room, and left the door opened. He stood behind Belle's vanity chair, and she looked at him through the mirror. "Thank you, babe. And thank you for being here with me. It means a lot to me, everything you do, and are planning to do." Riley smiled at Belle, "Of course beautiful. I would never let you go through all this alone. Because had I not found out about Derek at that moment when I did, it would've come out eventually, and I still would have been by your side. And I'm here for you and the babies, no matter what happens, or what my mother has to say about it."
"What has your mother said? Other than calling me a bitch, and telling me to leave when you was in the hospital," Belle asked.
"She made it known to me, that she didn't like you, because she didn't like Derek. And wait, she called you a bitch?! Oh hell no! I will not let her call you that, and her get away with it!"
"Riley, it's okay, I've been called worse, and I'm sure the girls at school are calling me worse names right now. But that's your mom, what are you going to do, when she gets mad for you standing up to her, and defending me?"
"Belle, it's not okay. I'll stand up to anyone that I hear calling you a negative name, my mother especially. She will get mad, that's a matter of fact, and then she'll complain to my dad, and together they'll decide to kick me out, just like they did to my older brother. He stood up to them a few years ago, over a girl, and they kicked him out."
"But then where would you go?"
"I don't know but we'll figure that out when that time comes." Belle nodded, and there was a light knock on the door. "Grammy and Pop pop are pulling in the driveway." It was Mason. "Thank you, Mason. We'll be right behind you." Mason nodded his head and walked out and back downstairs. Belle looked back at Riley. "We'll continue this conversation tonight, as well as thinking of baby boy names. But now, it's time for you to meet my dad's mom and dad, my Grammy and Pop pop." The two walked down the stairs, Riley walking behind behind Belle. "Grammy! Pop pop!" Belle called out when she and Riley reached the bottom of the stairs. "It's good to see y'all!"
"It's so good to see you too!" They both said.
"Grammy, Pop pop, I would like for you both to meet my best friend, and boyfriend, Riley. Riley, this is my Grammy and Pop pop." Riley shook Pop pop's hand, and went to shake Grammy's hand, but she pulled him into a hug instead. "She's a hugger." Belle told him, laughing.
"It's nice to meet you both," Riley said after Grammy let go of him. "Likewise. But Belle, sweetie, what happened to that Derek boy you was with the last time we were here?" Grammy asked. Belle could feel her emotions trying to come out, and take over her, but she did her best to not let them show. "Grammy, he and I aren't together anymore. He has done some things to me, and I found out something, so I broke up with him." Grammy seemed upset, but she lightened up and nodded her head in understanding. "Well, what did he do?" she asked. Belle started having flashbacks, and had to sit down. "Mom, she can't right now, but you and dad come into the kitchen, and Kim and I will tell the two of you." Belle's father led his parents into he kitchen, where Kim, Belle's mother was already standing again, putting the final touches on dinner. Belle, Riley and the boys all heard their father explaining what happened to Belle, to their grandparents. They were all quiet and turned their heads toward the kitchen when their Grammy started speaking. "That son of a gun hurt my granddaughter! He should rot in the deepest, darkest pit of Hell for hurting her! Someone ought to take him out back and do to him what he did to her!"
"I agree mom, but his trial is in a couple of weeks, and there's no doubt, he will be convicted and sent to prison for a long time! But he also did something else, but Belle will have to tell you that when she's ready to." Belle knew that she had to tell them, sooner rather than later. So she ran back upstairs and grabbed the sonogram pictures. While she was coming back down the stairs, her mom called out from the kitchen, "Dinner's ready!" Everyone rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a plate. Since both of Belle's parents were born and raised in the south, they were having a whole southern meal; fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh corn, cornbread, and sweet tea. When everyone fixed their plates and sat down, Pop Pop said grace. Things were quiet for a few minutes, but then Belle broke the silence. "Grammy, Pop Pop, there's something I want to tell you both. I only recently found out." Belle pulled out a sonogram picture and handed it to her Grammy. "But, I'm, um, I'm pregnant. Ten weeks to be exact. I found out yesterday, though, that I'm pregnant with twins. I found out that I'm pregnant while I was in the hospital after my wreck. But then I found out that the father, Derek, was cheating on me. Then everything else happened." Grammy and Pop Pop were both silent, only for minute. "So, you're a senior in high school, a straight A student, raised in church, not married, and decide to go and get pregnant! That is very disappointing. We expected something like this from your cousin Zoey, but not you. You should know better, going and having sex outside of marriage." Grammy said. Belle looked down, because she knew that her being pregnant disappointed her grandparents. "Darling, listen to me though. Just because your Pop Pop and I are disappointed, mostly in the decision that you've made, doesn't mean that we love you any less. And even though we both, along with your mom and dad wish you would've have waited until you were married to decide to have a baby, we will do everything that we can to help you and to make sure that your babies have everything that they need." Belle started tearing up. "Thank you Grammy. That means a lot. Thank you for not calling me a disappointment, or a disgrace to the family, and especially for not calling my babies a mistake."
"Sweetheart, no baby is a mistake. No matter what the situation is. Babies might not always be planned but they are never a mistake. And you may disappoint your Grammy and I, with some decisions you make, but you my dear are never a disappointment or disgrace to this family." Pop Pop told Belle.
"I love y'all, all of y'all, so much," Belle said to then and her parents as well.
When everyone was done eating, Grammy, Belle's mother and Belle cleaned up the kitchen, while all the guys went to the basement, which was the game room, indoor theater, and Belle's art room. They were going down to shoot some pool and throw some darts. Belle's Pop pop and dad were both great at shooting pool and at darts. Belle, when she actually tried, was good at both herself.
When the ladies, they went downstairs to join the guys. Belle's father, Pop pop, Riley and Carter were all shooting pool, while Tripp, Mason, Tristan, and Colton were all throwing darts. Belle went over and stood with Riley, while her mom and Grammy sat on the couch.
"So, who's on who's team?" Belle asked.
"Pop pop and I, and then dad and Riley," Carter answered.
"And who's winning?"
"Your dad and I are," Riley answered, "But your Pop pop and Carter are doing very well too."
"How about after this round, you switch out with Riley, and show him and Pop pop how good we are?" Her dad chimed in. Belle smiled. "Okay daddy." A couple of minutes later, the game ended. Belle walked over to the cue rack on the wall, and grabbed her cue. "Do you want to do the honors of breaking?" Belle's father looked at her and asked.
"Of course, I would love to!" Belle said back, smiling. Carter racked the balls and lined them up while Belle chalked her cue. She lined up the cue ball, and broke, perfectly. She landed several solids and a stripe into the pockets. Riley just stared at her in amazement. He never knew, in the several years that they've been friends, that she was that good at pool.
"My dear, I do believe you have gotten better since the last time your Grammy and I came to visit. You now have the skill to beat me." Belle's Pop pop said. Belle smiled. "Well, Pop pop, I have learned from the two best." Belle hugged her father from the side. They all played, had a great time, enjoying each other's company, and enjoyed the time that they were spending together. Even Riley was feeling like a part of the family.
A little while later, everyone started to turn in for the night. Grammy and Pop pop took the guest room right across the hall from Belle's room. And then Riley was going to stay the night, but he thought it might be best that he went home. He knew that he had to face his parents sooner or later. He would soon have to find out if his parents were going to kick him out, like they did his brother, or if he would be able to stay at home. He gave Belle the longest hug, a big kiss and he bent down to kiss her belly. "Goodnight beautiful, and goodnight little peanuts. Don't keep mommy up all night. Sleep well beautiful. I love you! I'll see you tomorrow," Riley said as he was walking out the door. Belle laughed, when he kissed her belly and talked to the twins. "Goodnight Riley. Drive safe. See you tomorrow." Riley walked out, and Belle locked the door and went upstairs to get ready for bed herself. She laid down, and it didn't take long, before she drifted off to sleep.

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