Chapter Three

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Back at the Bailey house, the boys were home from work, and the rest of the family were coming home from seeing Belle. When their parents, Tripp, and Mason walked in, Carter, Colton, and Tristan were all sitting on the couch. Tripp and Mason sat down on the couch as well. "Boys, there is something that we need to tell y'all. And please try to stay calm about it. Things will be dealt with and handled according and in due time. But, at the hospital when the doctor came in the waiting room to get us, to tell us what was wrong with Belle, he told us that she is pregnant. We waited until now to tell you because we figured she would want some space after hearing it herself. The doctor was going to tell her himself when he went into her room to check on her this evening. We also wanted to tell you all here at home, so you would all have time to calm down before going to see her tomorrow, considering Derek will more than likely be there with her," Mr. Bailey told all of his sons.
"That son of a bitch got Belle pregnant?! After we are all through with him, he'll regret everything he's done to her, and he'll regret getting her pregnant. He better not think of ever coming back around here again!" Mason was furious.
"Now Mason, calm down. When you all go see Belle tomorrow, you all need to try your best to stay calm. If Derek isn't around, then that's great, but if he is, you all need to promise us that you will all be civil and not ring his neck," their mother gently said. They all calmed down and nodded their heads. And with that, they went upstairs and went to bed.

Back at the hospital, after Riley left Belle's room, he went downstairs to leave, and on his way out, he saw Derek. Even though he knew Derek was breaking Belle's heart, he was civil with him, and acknowledged him. "Hey man, Belle was asking where you were. You may want to go see her before the visiting hours are over for today," Riley told Derek.
"Yeah man, thanks. I'll go up in just a moment to see her, but first let's go for a walk and talk outside," Derek responded. Riley was a little hesitant, but went on outside. They ended up walking out to the garden and sitting area on the side of the hospital. "So what do you want to talk about?" And as soon as Riley said that, Derek kneed him in the gut and punched him in the face. Riley braced himself and was ready to defend himself. "You son of a bitch! Why were you in Belle's room, telling her that you thought I was cheating on her? That is bullshit! You may say you have proof, but you still can't prove shit!" Derek was raging mad, and kept punching Riley. But Riley wasn't giving in. Riley was fighting back. "Derek, I only told Belle the truth. You can lie and say whatever shit you want to, to make her believe you, but she is heartbroken. She'll never love you the same way, ever again." Riley was punching Derek, defending himself. Derek was raging mad, his face was so red, and he went to take another swing at Riley, but this time, Riley stepped back, and caught Derek's hand before he could hit Riley. "Derek, you really need to calm down, and go see her. If you don't believe me that she doesn't love you anymore, then go up there and see for yourself. Visiting hours are almost over for today, so if you want to see her tonight, I'd go. And you better hope I don't decide to press charges on you for aggravated assault." Riley walked away and Derek still stood there. He decided he would go up and see Belle for himself, and see if Riley was serious about her not loving him anymore.

Derek got upstairs to Belle's room and from the looks of it, visiting hours were over. The lights in the hallways were off except for the emergency lights, and there looked to be only a couple nurses on the floor. Derek snuck past the few nurses and into Belle's room. He was still pissed off over what Riley said. He was trying to be calm going in to see Belle, but it was very difficult. Belle was just about asleep when Derek flew open the door, walked in and shut the door behind him.. Belle was startled. Belle acted like she and Riley didn't have the conversation about Derek cheating. She wanted to confront him when she wasn't in a hospital bed. "Hey baby, where have you been? I've been waiting for you to come see me. I've missed you, and was worried no one told you that I was here."
"Don't play with me. I know you and Riley were in here talking about me. I know he told you that I was cheating on you. And I know you, I know you believed him. I know you probably didn't want to see me, but oh well, I'm here. By time I leave, I don't care if you believe me or not, whether or not I'm actually cheating on you. It won't matter." The anger was building even more in Derek's eyes. "Derek, you're starting to scare me. Please leave. Come back tomorrow, after you have had time to calm down." Belle was really scared. She never liked seeing this side of Derek. She was used to seeing this side of him but she knew with that anger built up, he would act on it in some way. Derek closed the blinds on the door and walked over to Belle's bed. "I'm not leaving. You're stuck seeing me and dealing with me for a little while at least. Oh, and I also heard the doctor tell you that you're pregnant. There is no way that I'm ready to be a father, and I know for damn sure that you are not ready to be a mother." Belle was really worried and scared of being alone in this room with him. But she knew she needed to stay strong and couldn't let him see her fear. "Derek, no matter what you say, you can't think for me. You can't make my decisions for me, and you sure as hell can't tell me that I'm not ready to be a mother. But you said one thing right. You aren't ready to be a father. You and me, we're over! I don't want you near me or my baby!" Belle yelled at Derek. Derek walked from the end of the bed to Belle's bedside. He looked at the and suddenly just slapped her across the face. He didn't like being yelled at, but certainly didn't like how Belle just stood up to him. He wasn't used to that. He pulled Belle up from her bed, and threw her to the ground. He started hitting her and kicking her. He did anything he could to release his anger. The pain she was feeling from the wreck was becoming worse with every hit and every kick from Derek. She tried so hard to fight back but was too weak. And she couldn't let out any screams to call for help. Derek picked the weak Belle up off of the ground, pushed her up against the wall, and put his hand on her throat. Belle weakly was able to reach the panic button on the wall. After hitting the button, an alarm sounded, startling Derek, causing him to release his grip off Belle and he ran out the door. Since the nurses had to come from another floor, it gave Derek time to run and get away. When the nurses got to the room, Belle was laying on the floor, trying to catch her breath, and even more bruises on her body, as well as a huge red handprint on her cheek. "Someone go get a security guard and call the police. Someone also needs to call her parents." The head nurse was giving instructions. A couple of nurses helped get Belle up off the floor and back into her bed. "Ms. Belle, can you please tell me what happened?" Belle was still crying and had to take a breath to calm down. "I... I was laying here, almost asleep. I heard the door fling open, and I was startled awake. My boyfriend, Derek, was standing there. He had this angry look in his eye. A look that I unfortunately have seen several times before. But he stood there, and told me he was standing outside the room, listening to me and our friend Riley talk. He heard Riley tell me that Derek was cheating on me. Then he heard Dr. Lavarski come in to tell me that I was pregnant. Derek told me that he wasn't ready to be a father and that I wasn't ready to be a mother. I yelled something at him, he didn't like that so he slapped me. Then I told him that it was over between him and me, and that's when he pulled me off the bed, threw me to the ground, and started hitting and kicking me. I was so scared, but I was trying to keep it together so he wouldn't see my weakness." The nurse was writing this down so she could tell the security guard when he got to the room. Suddenly, there was a little knock on the door. "Belle? I had to see you..." Riley's voice was gentle as he stood in the doorway. He couldn't see Belle because the nurse was standing there, until they heard him and the nurse moved. "What the hell happened to you?!' He was furious, seeing Belle beat up. "Derek. Derek is what happened." Riley rushed over to Belle, sat on the edge of the bed, and held her hand. "That son of a bitch! He caught me outside, and hit me a couple times. But then when I knew he was going to see you, I stayed in the parking lot. Then while I was sitting there, he was running out of the building. I then knew I needed to come check on you." Riley was so caring and loving and gentle. The security guard came and got the notes from the nurse on what happened. The nurses couldn't reach Belle's parents, and the police were now out looking for Derek. Riley was allowed to stay the night with Belle, especially considering that she probably wouldn't be getting much sleep. She tried getting to sleep, but she kept waking up from nightmares. Every time she had one, Riley was right there to comfort her. At one point during the night, Belle made some room on the small hospital bed for Riley to lay next to her and comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her, ran his fingers through her hair and she laid her head on his chest the rest of the night. She had gotten comfortable enough to where she fell asleep in Riley's arms. When the morning came, Belle was still laying in Riley's arms. The sun was rising and the light was coming through the windows. Riley woke up and moved into the bedside chair just as  the nurses were already starting to come in to check up on Belle. The nurses had brought her in some breakfast. She tried eating a small amount but to her disadvantage she couldn't find it in herself to eat anything. She had felt so sick and exhausted from not being able to sleep much and worrying about Derek coming back in to do more damage didn't help her sleep either. Suddenly she heard voices outside. Belle's parents and brothers were outside the room and the doctor was telling them what happened last night. The door flew open and the family all came into the room. Riley was standing in front of the bed so they wouldn't immediately see how bad she looked. Belle cleared her throat. That was the signal for Riley to move. He moved to beside her and the family just stood in shock when they saw Belle and how much more bruised and weak she looked. Her mother cried, her father was angry and all five brothers tensed up. "My baby girl!" Belle's mother cried out and went over to hug her. "One of us should've stayed here last night and this wouldn't have happened."
"Mama, it's okay. I'll be fine. But I'll be even better when Derek is found and put behind bars. I will be pressing charges and I want him charged to the full extent. Before he came in here, he beat up Riley outside." They looked at Riley. He had a couple bruises, a busted lip and a black eye, but he just shrugged. "I just wish I was up here with you before he got up here to hurt you. But I would take his wrath and anger hits again if it meant exposing him for the cheating, lying, bastard that he is." Belle's family all seemed confused. "Wait, that son of a bitch is cheating on Belle, and he's the one that got her pregnant? I knew there was another reason why I didn't like him. We knew he had an anger issue, because we've seen the product of him taking his anger out on her before, but now knowing that he's cheating on her too? That's not going to fly with me." Belle's father spoke out. "Daddy, please calm down. Derek won't be able to do anything to me ever again once he's caught. Tripp, please tell me that you will be out there looking for him." Belle looked to her brother, worry filled her eyes. Tripp looked at her, and he knew that he would do anything to keep her safe. He wanted nothing more than to be the one to put the bastard behind bars. "I can promise you that I'll do anything and everything in my power to catch him. I will do whatever I need to do to keep you safe from him, and when we catch him, if or when he gets released, I will guarantee there will be a restraining order put against him. That is a promise! And with that being said, I must be getting to work. I have someone to catch." Tripp came over to Belle, kissed the top of her head and left. Belle couldn't help but to cry. She tried so hard to not to, but with as much pain as she was in, she just wanted to go home, and be in the comfort of her own home. "Daddy, mama, is there anything that either of you could do, to try and make it possible for me to get released so I can go home and have the comforts of my own bed? Please?" Belle's mom and dad didn't know what to say. They were a couple of the doctors that had a lot of seniority in the hospital, but they were unsure if they could do anything about her being able to go home at this present moment. With the amount of pain she was in, and how bad she looked, they both felt like she needed to stay here, connected to the monitors. "Baby girl, as much as we would love for you to be comfortable at home, there just isn't anyway possible right now for you to come home yet. You need to stay here on the monitors," Belle's mother told her. Belle looked disappointed. "But mama, please. There must be something that you can do to get them to release me. You have enough seniority in this hospital, don't you. Please, mama." Belle begged and pleaded, almost in tears. "Okay, okay, give me a minute and let me talk to your doctor, and make a couple of other phone calls throughout the hospital," Belle's mother told her, and walked out of the room. Belle's father walked out of the room also. Belle looked at her brothers and looked down. She knew she had disappointed her parents but she also knew she let down her brothers and felt like a disappointment to them too. She looked back up, but it was so hard to see the anger and the disappointment and hurting on their faces. Riley pulled Belle out of her thoughts, "I really hate to leave you, but I need to get home to shower and get ready to get to school. But I promise you, I'll come back this afternoon to see you, whether here or at your house." With that, he gave her a quick and sweet kiss on the forehead and walked out. Belle still didn't know what to say to her brothers. "Bubbas, I know you all are disappointed in me, and the choices I made, but please don't just stand there. Please say something, anything. This silence is deafening." They all looked at her and just walked to her bedside. "Belle, you know we all ju-," Mason started but was interrupted when their parents and Dr. Lavarski walked in. "Belle, I am releasing you from here today, but only for you to be on bed rest until I let you when. And you'll still need to be connected to a heart monitor, and what not while you still recover. But I've got everything signed off for you to go home." Dr. Lavarski told Belle. She was so happy and so ready to be back home in her own bed. Belle was then put into a wheelchair, covered with a small throw blanket, and Mason was told the grab the small heart monitor that was being sent with Belle, as well as her paperwork. With that, they all took Belle home.

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