Chapter Eight

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It was a long night and Belle didn't get much sleep. She kept having nightmares about the incident with Derek two nights ago, and then what she almost did last night. At one point in the night, she just sat in her bed, crying. Belle needed to get sleep because today was the day that she was planning on returning back to school, even though she'll only be back for a few months. She was unsure how she was going to get through the day. She decided to get up, pulled on her robe, slipped into her slippers, and walked downstairs. She walked into the kitchen to see her mother standing there, making coffee, while all of the guys were still upstairs, either in the shower, or still in bed. "Mama, I don't think I'm going back to school today. I think I'm going to wait one more day. I think today, I need to get an appointment with Dr. Roden to get in for my first check up on the baby. And then I need to see if Dr. Smithfield can get me into his office maybe once a week again. I think it's time I start going back to therapy, especially after last night." Belle's mother gave her a sympathetic glance. "I think that will be good, Belle. I'm proud of you. You  are working on your mind and taking care of your unborn baby, and you know at first your father and I weren't happy about you getting pregnant, not at this age anyways, and especially not with it being with Derek, but we couldn't be more happy now. We are looking forward to a little one running around here now. And you will be a wonderful mother.  And after you graduate, you can look at your peanut and say, 'I did it because of you'. And I think with you trying to work on yourself will help you accomplish all of that. I love you sweetheart." Belle's mother walked around the counter and embraced Belle in a great big hug. Belle's mother always knew what to say. Belle went back upstairs and her mother started fixing breakfast for everyone. Belle sat on her bed and started looking up Dr. Roden's office's phone number and for Dr. Smithfield's number so she could get appointments scheduled with both doctors. She picked up her phone and called Dr. Roden's office first. "Roden OB's office, this is Karrie, how can I help you?"

"Hello Karrie, this is Belle Bailey. I need to get in, preferably this morning, to see Dr. Roden please. I have been needing to get in to see her now for several days, but I've had s much going on. I was on my way to see her the other day, but ended up being in an accident. And I found out in the hospital that I'm pregnant."

"Oh my, I see. I'm sorry to hear about the accident. I hope you are okay now. And yes, of course with you finding out that you're pregnant that way, you definitely need to get in to see Dr. Roden. And you're in luck; there is one appointment available at ten this morning."

"I'll take that one, please."

"Alright Ms. Belle, I have you down to see Dr. Roden this morning at 10:00. See you then."

"Thank you, see you then." Belle hung up the phone and called Dr. Smithfield's office. His secretary picked up the phone on the second ring. "Good morning, Dr. Smithfield's office, this is Molly, how can I help you?"

"Hello Molly, this is Belle Bailey. I need to get an appointment as soon as possible to see Dr. Smithfield, please." There was a slight pause. "Ms. Belle, is there any specific day or time that you can or would like to come in?" Belle thought for a moment. "Is it possible to come in and see him today?"

"Hmm, let me look at his schedule and see," Molly responded. It was silent for just a few moments. "Ms. Belle, it looks like he has an appointment this afternoon at 2:30. Would you like me to put you down for them?"

"Yes, please. That would be great. Thank you so much." Although Belle hated having to start counseling and therapy again, she knew this was what was needed to help her get passed everything that has happened the last several days.

"Alright Ms. Belle, I have you down for 2:30 this afternoon. Is there anything else I can help you with right now?"

"I'm good now, thank you Molly. I will see you at 2:30." Belle hung up the phone and she looked up to see Riley standing in her doorway. "Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well." Belle gave Riley the side look and he knew she was having a rough morning. He walked into the bedroom and sat by her on the bed. "What's wrong, darlin'?"

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