Much like those two, the parasites completely negate the need for food and air and the host only needs to periodically conduct photosynthesis. It also included a greatly extended lifespan.

Though you can still eat food and drink soda for some bonus nutrients and sugars and you can wear clothes without worry, thankfully.

Other abilities include perfect camouflage, able to turn partly gaseous, superhuman mobility, strength (on top of your cybernetic enhancements), toughness, and even gliding while in midair.

Unfortunately, just like Quiet and Code Talker, you are weak to anything that plants hate in particular; examples are salt water, toxic stuff, and fire.

5. Vocal cord parasites

A/n: I'm assuming they are different parasites from The End's parasites.

"Your lungs have been barbecued. There's traces of rubbing alcohol in your alveoli. This was found adhered to your lungs. A petal. White star of Bethlehem. The hospital...Skull Face sent you there to kill Snake. You were burned inside and out. That should've been the end of it. But, all things considered, you look pretty damn healthy to me. We have Skull Face to thank for that. Right?"

After surviving the same project mentioned above, you are now the first carrier of the deadly vocal cord parasites in decades. Not only that, you've been infected with EVERY strain of the parasite. Like Skull Face but English included. Luckily, Navajo remains to be the only language that's unaffected and you can speak it...very luckily...

What's worse, you can't die from the parasites since they can't breed in your burnt lungs. They can only escape through your mouth and spread in the air. That is if you speak another language but Navajo.

Luckily, Grandpa Code Talker's smoking herbs can let you speak for some time. Though they don't allow smoking in the academy...

6. Parasitic communication

Like Grandpa Code Talker, you can send out some of the parasites of your body (NOT the vocal cord) and send them out to scout and spy around your environment and maybe beyond. And since the parasites are smart, they'll have you speak Navajo to decode their messages.

Metal Gear Form:

1. Uranium-based armor

The depleted uranium-only armor of Sahelanthropus isn't that suitable as armor since Venom Snake was able to take it down easily, making the mech a paper tiger. Terrifying yet fragile.

This new armor sandwiches some depleted uranium armor in between a bunch of uranium-titanium plates that are made using a classified technique. Look it up. That technique exists!

Also, terrifying and strong!

2. Twin Gatling Guns

Located in the head part of this form, it is your all-purpose primary weapon. The caliber used is...unknown, even by the fandom, but it seems to be of an explosive nature if it can make the ground light up just by shooting at it.

3. High-Mobility Feet


A/n: Down, Gura!

Anyways, Sahalenthropus's feet can be used for devastating effects. From trampling enemy infantry like ants under a looming press to kicking a bunch of tanks over and onto their heads like tin cans.

4. Frontline Flamethrower

Equipped near the "groin" area, you can control this fire "cannon" to aim down at an angle to douse the area directly underneath you in flame, eliminating the blind spot created by its bipedal form's height.

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