Chapter 9 Strange Feeling

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Monty decided to go find the others to hangout for the first time in a while. At least Freddy would be their to calm him down if anything got to out of control. Month saw that they were a hanging out in the middle of the Pizza Plex in the open where Vanessa could spot them all.

Monty shook his head at the others antics. He guessed if Vanessa did catch them she couldn't exactly force them all to go back to their rooms. Monty sat down beside Freddy he didn't even bother to acknowledge anyone else even if Chica sent him a wave. Freddy grinned at him though and slung a arm around the alligators shoulders making him tense up.

"Oh, I'm sorry Monty I didn't mean to-" Freddy began but Monty cut him off. "No, it's okay I just didn't expect it." Monty said he heard the girls snicker behind him. He shot them a glare but they just laughed harder. Monty and Freddy looked at each other the same time both of their gazes showed they were confused.

They all hanged out for a while Gregory kept shooting Monty glares. "Is their something you want brat?" Monty asked he turned to look at the kid which made him jump. "No." Gregory said but by the way he was looking at him Monty knew he wanted something. "Go ahead spit it out." Monty said he crossed his arms he could wait here all day if his patience somehow allowed it.

"He wants you to apologize." Freddy said he could read Gregory like a book. Gregory pouted before turning around ignoring the animatronics. "How come on no need to be a brat." Monty growled. "Monty." Freddy said in a voice that reminded him off how some of the parents scolded their kids when they didn't do what they told them to.

Monty groaned annoyed but he decided to listen to Freddy. "I'm sorry brat." Monty said he didn't sound sincere but at least it didn't sound like he was only doing it because he felt like he had to. Freddy decided to let it go after that knowing that he'd get no more out of Monty. It wasn't that Monty was cruel just his pride was a big enough obstacle to overcome for a proper apology.

Freddy smiled none the less he patted Monty on the back a sign of his affection for the alligator and his happiness at his apology. Monty ignored the smirks that Roxy and Chica sent them. When Freddy looked over at Gregory to make sure he was behaving Monty flipped them off.

Later Freddy went to put Gregory to bed. Monty found it strange that Freddy had decided to keep a human kid but he eventually got sorta used to it. Monty was left alone with the girls Freddy had promised to come back soon so he'd stayed. Roxy turned around to look at Monty expectantly.

"What?" Monty asked confused. "Tell us the details about you and Freddy." Roxy said she leaned he head on her hand she was clearly interested for some reason. "Their is nothing to tell." Monty said annoyed. "Hm, sure get talking Monty." Chica said chiming in with a smirk that match Roxy's.

"Whatever I feel weird around him." Monty confessed he glared at them both as for a reason he didn't understand they looked at each other and laughed. "I think you like Freddy." Chica said Monty felt himself heat up. "Do not!" Monty said he got up and stormed off. But did he actually like Freddy? Monty decided that he needed to sort threw his own thoughts so he went to his room so he could be alone. It made sense but he didn't want to believe it.

Thank you guys so much for 6,000 reads and your patience with me updating this story. Between school and depression kicking my ass it was hard to find the motivation to write this but I made myself sit down this weekend and write it. The ending of this book is coming up soon as I'm out of ideas and figure this is a good enough place to stop soon. Never fear though I have two new stories coming sometime soon one being a Monty and Freddy story.

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