Chapter 7 Rock and Roll

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Gregory jumped off the stairs jumping down into Monty Golf. The kid had blasted at the target in order to start filling the blast bucket. Doing that had caused the game to start everything started moving. Monty jumped down onto the catwalk he destroyed the gun in front of Gregory.

Monty growled as he saw Gregory he was going to try to catch him. This kid is what caused Freddy to betray him. Monty had to kill the kid as revenge. Monty pulled his sun glasses down revealing his red eyes. "Let's rock and roll." Monty said before he started to chase Gregory.

Gregory ran leaving Monty far behind as the animatronic was slow. Gregory ran as fast as his legs could take him. He couldn't be caught by Monty otherwise he'd be dead. Gregory stopped when he saw another gun. His fazwatch had said something about filling the splash bucket.

If he could fill it up all the way he might be able to get out of this alive. Gregory started shooting the target in the middle to fill it up the most. Gregory was almost done he stopped to turn around when he heard loud mechanical footsteps. Monty was behind Gregory he growled he tried to grab Gregory but the kid was faster running away.

Monty was annoyed as Gregory sprinted away. Why did he have to be so slow? Roxy would have caught the brat by now. Monty clenched his teeth he wouldn't allow any of the other animatronics to kill the kid. Monty smashed the gun out of frustration he didn't know what Gregory planned to do with the splash bucket.

"Hey, little guy come out I'm not gonna hurt you." Monty said in his best impression of a calm voice. It didn't work Gregory sprinted away from him again. This went on for a while Gregory would shoot the splash bucket then make a hasty retreat when Monty would get close. Out of rage and to stop whatever plan Gregory was doing Monty would destroy the guns.

Gregory was out of breath from all the running. He used the last of his energy to run towards the splash bucket when he heard a sound go off signaling it was full. Monty wasn't far behind him the alligator able to catch up to the worn out kid.

Gregory pushed the button the on the splash bucket. He hoped it worked as he was cornered and Monty was now right in front of him. Monty laughed he had Gregory cornered now he was going to kill the kid. "Looks like I won brat." Monty said grinning it faltered when he heard the sound of the splash bucket tipping.

Confused the alligator looked up the splash bucket tipped all the way releasing hundreds of balls. Monty tried to push against the bucket but the pressure was to much the animatronic fell down off the catwalk. His sun glasses fell off hitting the ground before he did.

Gregory looked over the railing in shock as he watched Monty fall. He looked into Monty's red eyes one last time before the animatronic hit the ground. Monty's body was destroyed as he hit the stairs and then slammed into the floor. His mind went blank after that.

Gregory stood in front of the remains of Monty. He winced at the damaged that had been done to his body. Gregory took Monty's claws he stuck his tongue out at the alligator before leaving him to go find Freddy. Gregory had won so he got to live.

"Good job superstar." Freddy said as he met Gregory down in the parts and service room. "Thanks, Freddy. Let's get you upgraded." Gregory said he clicked on one of the upgrade options. Freddy went into the protective cylinder to get ready for the upgrade.

Gregory followed the instructions carefully as to not make a mistake. He placed Monty's claws onto Freddy before closing his arm casing back up. Freddy stared at his hands for a moment these looked familiar. "Huh, these look exactly like Monty's." Freddy said in wonder.

Gregory felt a twinge of guilt for destroying Freddy's friend. He would have been killed otherwise so it was necessary. "Uh, about that..." Gregory said Freddy looked at him confused. It dawned on Freddy he looked at the claws then back at Gregory.

"You destroyed Monty? But why?" Freddy asked he sounded sad. "He was trying to kill me. He chased me throughout Gators Golf. I had no choice. I'm sorry Freddy." Gregory said he was surprised when the bear hugged him. "It's okay Gregory I understand. I only wish whatever is going on with my friends will stop. Before they all have to be managed parts." Freddy said he didn't want to see his friends get hurt.

"Is he alright?" Freddy asked worried. "Um, define alright." Gregory said he hadn't saw Monty move after being damaged. "Gregory." Freddy said in a voice that left no room for jokes. "Okay fine I didn't see him move. I think he's gone." Gregory said he hoped the alligator would be okay for Freddy's sake.

"Oh, I see..." Freddy said his ears lowered he must be really upset. Freddy stared at the claws for a few more seconds before straightening up. He looked slightly more confident as he looked ahead towards the lift that would take them both to the main stage. "We still have to get you home Gregory. Let's go." Freddy said leading the way towards the lift.

Gregory smiled slightly at least Freddy still wanted to help him. The kid didn't know what he'd do without Freddy. Maybe, if he got out of this alive he could somehow repair Monty and every other animatronic he had to destroy. They were Freddy's friends so they couldn't be all that bad could they?

Gregory decided to push the thought into the back of his head. Right now it was time to focus on surviving. As well as figuring out what was making the robots go crazy. Hopefully, he lived to be able to figure out the mystery.

Thanks everyone for 3,000 reads and 100 votes! Just a warning I will be taking creative liberties for the ending of Security Breach in this story. It won't follow any of the main ending in the game.

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