Chapter 4 Gator's Golf

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 Monty opened the door for Freddy after swiping his stolen pass. "Such a gentleman." Freddy said teasingly, causing Monty's body temperature to rise. "Eh, shut it." Monty said he tried to sound angry but it didn't work. Freddy smiled at him Monty shook his head he didn't know why he was feeling like this.

 He didn't feel this way about any of the other animatronics. Maybe he had broken something in his rampage earlier. He might let Vanessa have maintenance check it out if it continued. If he felt like it, that was. Freddy walked into Gator's Golf Monty following close behind.

 "This place hasn't changed since the last time I've laid eyes on it." Freddy said he looked around observing Monty's themed golf room. "Yeah, the company is too cheap to change anything. Besides, you were here last week when you got lost wandering around. Vanessa had to come get you." Monty said amused.

 "Hey, it's not my fault this place is huge!" Freddy said, trying to defend himself. Monty laughed and he shoved Freddy playfully. The bear did the same Monty had been close to the wall so he'd slammed into it in an accident. A low growl came from the alligator animatronics he glared at Freddy.

 The bear tensed up. He knew Monty would have an outburst if he didn't calm him down. "Hey, Montgomery, how about we talk this out? It was an accident while we were playing, remember?" Freddy said he talked in a soothing tone like he was talking to a wild animal. He guessed in some sense Monty was.

 Monty advanced a step towards him; his glasses had slipped down a bit revealing his red eyes. Freddy always thought they were a pretty shade of red like rubies. Right now though glaring at him like he was his worst enemy made the best shiver. "Monty calm down. I'm here if you want to talk about it." Freddy said he took a step back.

 Monty followed the action taking two steps forward for every one Freddy took. Monty was now near his face, his breath fanned across the bear's face. Monty was still glaring at him Freddy stared back unsure what to do. Should he try to run away? No he needed to help his friend with his negative emotions even if it meant getting hurt himself.

 Freddy waited a few tense seconds. "Is it okay if I give you a hug? Would that help you calm down?" Freddy asked if he didn't receive an answer but it was better than a no. Freddy reached forward and hugged the alligator animatronic. Monty froze, his red eyes widening and he stood there in shock. He hadn't been hugged recently. Everyone was to afraid of him to try

 But Freddy tried even if he could have been hurt. He took the risk. He wanted to help Monty even if he didn't deserve it. Monty would cry if he was able to. He let the bear hold him. "I don't know what came over me." Monty said honestly Freddy's eyes widened a bit having expected him to talk.

 "I've been so filled with rage that didn't use to happen. You help calm me somehow. I think it's your dumb happy personality it's contagious." Monty said he smiled a sad smile at Freddy. Freddy hugged his friend tighter, squeezing him so tight it would have hurt if he could feel it. "Get a map next time ya get lost. Ya big oaf." Monty said teasingly.

 "Now put me down before I get mad again." Monty said he wouldn't actually but Freddy didn't need to know that. Freddy apologized before setting the alligator animatronic down. Monty heard the bell chime and it was time to go back to their rooms. Monty sighed it was going to be a long day.

 Not many children came to see him due to his anger issues. He understood it because they didn't want their kids to get hurt but it still brushed his ego. It made him feel like trash to see Freddy and everyone else get fans swarming all around them. "I guess I better go." Monty said sad to be alone again.

 "I'll see you tomorrow night, yeah?" Freddy asked hopefully. Monty smiled wide with his teeth in full view. "Yeah tomorrow night Fazfuck." Monty said he saluted Freddy before walking back towards his room. Monty was glad for the next time.


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