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Yes. Kiss you awake.

Minhos eyes widened at that thought. Didn't he drink enough to ignore them?

His friend didn't seem to notice Minhos shock and kept on talking.
"In addition we both look quite good. We're a very pretty couple."
Minhos brain tried to process Jisungs words. Did he say we and couple? Like in couple couple?

The younger stopped talking when he noticed how quiet his friend was.
"Minho? Are you okay?"
"Uhm, yeah."
"You sure?"
"Yes, Ji. It's just - my thoughts just kinda kill me the last few days. It's hella exhausting."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Jisung felt the olders hesitation. He changed his sitting position, so that he could look at Minhos face directly, cross-legged on the sofa. Then he took the others hand, not the one with the bottle, the empty one, in his hands.
"It's okay if you don't want to. Just know that you always can talk to me." Jisung drew circles with his thumbs on the older boys hand. "You are my best friend and it seems like you can't get rid of me for the rest of your life, so-"

"I see you in my dreams."

"I dream of you, Ji." Minho sighted. There was enough alcohol in his blood to make him feel bold. Sooner or later he would have to talk to the younger anyways. So, why not now?

"I dream of you every single night. I don't know why, but every morning when I wake up I've dreamed of you."
"Is that a good thing?"
Jisung still held his friends hand, but stopped drawing patterns on it, to fully focus on Minhos words.
"Uhm I- I guess? Ugh, I don't know!" The older closed his eyes and let his head fell back. A white cloud escaped into the cold night when he let out a deep sight.
"Hyung, do you want to talk about your dreams?"
"I'm not sure if you want to hear them."
"Sure! I'm your best friend!"
"Yeah, exactly", Minho mumbled.
"Lee Minho", Jisung scooted a little bit closer, still holding Minhos warm hand. "Just tell me. I will not judge."

The older inhaled the nightly air.
"Okay. I just hope you forget what I'll tell you because of this." He held up the liquor, before taking another encouraging sip.
"So, I don't know when it started, but the first time I remember was on that day when you called me after receiving the letter about the line."
"Oh, you mean the day we went to the movies?"
Both boys slightly blushed, but the moon was hidden behind the clouds and their telltale faces stayed a secret.
"Uhm, yes, that day. But during daytime. Like literally before you called me that day. You woke me up."
"I remember! You sounded so sleepy and confused. So...", Jisung eagerly leaned closer to his friend, "what did you dream?"

If someone would place an ice cube on Minhos forehead right now, it would melt within seconds. His face felt so hot, should he really tell Jisung about it? Would Minho be sober, he would never. There were so many aspects for not telling him. So many scenarios of what could happen, what could go wrong. Simply said, Minho was hella scared that this could change their friendship in a bad way or completely destroy it. He didn't want to lose his dearest friend.

Now or never, Lee Minho.

"So, we lived together."
"Like we do in real life?"
"Nah, we had a house. And we had cats."
"That sounds pretty nice! What did we do in the dream?"
The image of the two guys making out in the living room appeared in front of Minhos inner eye.
"Well... We talked with our neighbors, we pet the kittens and... wekindahadamakeoutsessiononthesofa."
"We had what? Minmin, you have to breathe."
The older stayed quiet and took a big dip of the liquor. By now, the bottle was almost empty.

After a few seconds the words that had left Minhos mouth started to make sense in Jisungs head.
We kinda had a make out session on the sofa.


" We did what?"
"You understood what I said", the older mumbled, embarrassed and a little scared of his best friends reaction.
After what had felt like an eternity to Minho (literally just like 5 seconds lmao), Jisungs voice broke the silence.

"Okay... So... Was it good?"

Flabbergasted Minho stared into Jisungs face. The younger lifted an eyebrow. "Come on, tell me. Was I a good kisser?"
"I- y-yes, I guess?"
The younger chuckled. "Oh thank God. Imagine it would've been bad. That would've been kinda embarrassing for me."
Minho shook his head in disbelief. "Embarrassing? For you? What about me?!"
Jisung shrugged. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, hyung."

"So you're not... disgusted by me?"
"No, why should I be? If I reconstructed it right, then I was the one who took your hand back at the cinema and could've embarrassed myself as hell. You think too much. Don't worry, okay?"

"How do you do that, Ji?"
"How do you manage to stay that calm?"
Jisung let out a small laughter. "Hell, I'm not. You can't image how fast my heart is beating right now."
"As fast as mine?"
Jisung pulled down the zipper of his jacket, took Minhos hand that he held the whole time and placed it on his warm chest. Minho could feel his heartbeat. Strong and fast, as if it would be in a racing duel against the olders heart.
Minho turned his gazes away from his hand on the others chest, back to Jisungs face.
When did both of them got so close?

"Oh. What's that?" Jisung brushed with his index finger over Minhos cheekbone.
It was a snowflake, the first of this year, that melted on the olders skin and left a tiny water drop.
The two boys looked up in the sky, just to discover some small, white crystals dancing through the freezing air.
"Snow on November 1st?", Minho wondered. A snowflake landed on Jisungs long lashes and the older tried to blow it away. It doesn't work, so he took his hand away from Jisungs heart to carefully brush over the younger boys closed eye. When Jisung opened his eyes again, they seemed to shine brighter than before. It was too dark to see their color, but Minho drowned in them anyways. His hand still rested on his best friends face.

"Can I try something?"
Jisung didn't answer, but reduced the distance between their faces, inch by inch.
Minho was sure the other could hear the wing beat of the butterflies, twirling through his belly, as if their life depended on it, when he took a last breath and pressed his lips on Jisungs.

It was only a peck, the shortest one the moon has ever seen. It now shined through the clouds and sent down his light on the two boys.
Jisung wasn't even able to close his eyes, so fast the kiss ended. But when he recognized that Minho has his eyes still shut, as if he was scared of Jisungs reaction, the younger gently cupped the other boys face and leaned in for another kiss. Relieved he realized that the other gladly kissed back.

This one lasted longer.
Jisung tried to show Minho that there was nothing to be scared about. That he was safe with him.
After a while they pulled away to catch some air.

Both of them felt dizzy for the third time this night, but this time, it was not the beer running through their veins. And not the raspberry liquor.

I'm in a good mood, so here's a new part for u, my loves^^ I hope u like it.
I'm gonna take a nap now, I organized my albums and pcs today and decided to sell some of them (yes, that shit hurt like a breakup ngl)
Anyways, hopefully u enjoy the day, don't forget to drink enough and be kind to yourself. And just in case nobody told u today: I'm proud of you, I love you💖

My song rec for today:
🦋Ocean Eyes-Astronomyy Remix🦋
by Billie Eilish & Astronomyy

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