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Jisung felt the cold creep into his clothes when the two boys arrived at the rooftop. It was a pretty windy night, the moon was partly hidden behind the clouds.

As soon as they have left the apartment Minho had grabbed the youngers hand and didn't let it go until he left Jisung infront of the greenhouse, to get some blankets. When he came back, Jisung already shivered, his hands and nose red. The older boy stopped for a second, to look at his best friend. He looked so small, standing there, in the middle of the rooftop, looking up at the dark night sky. White clouds of breath left his mouth as he stared at the moon, mesmerized. It was freezing cold out here, so cold that the air tickled in their noses while breathing in.

"The moon looks beautiful, doesn't it?"
Minho smiled. He wondered if his friend knew about the hidden meaning of this sentence.
"Yes, it does."
He sat down on one of the sofas after switching on the fairy lights around them and tapped on the empty spot next to him. "Wanna sit down?"
Jisung wiggled over to him, looking like a penguin. The older placed a blanket around his own shoulders and held it open for the other to wrap it around his shoulders, too. Jisung put off his slippers (yes, they came up there in slippers) and snuggled into the blanket and into his best friend.
"You're shivering. Do you need another blanket?", Minho worried.
"I'm fine, hyung. Give me a minute and I'll feel warm again. But can you-" He had never asked the older something like this so directly.
"Can you maybe hold my hands? To warm them up, you know?"
Minho quickly took the youngers freezing cold hands in his own, warm ones. That was a plus of Minho drinking alcohol: his hands got warm within seconds. And stayed warm until he would be sober again.

Both boys sat there, all cuddled up, watching the night sky and holding hands. Just to warm them up. Sure. Both of them knew that this was only an excuse.

After some minutes of silence Minho decided that it was too quiet. His thoughts were way too loud, it wouldn't surprise him if the other boy could've heard them. His thoughts had carried him away, back into the dreams he had every night.
Back to the  look in the youngers eyes that morning. When he has been so close, that their nose tips almost had touched.
Back to Jisung grabbing his hand in the dark movie theatre.

What if

What if Minho wanted everything to stay like this?
What if he wants the younger to stay this cuddled up with him for the rest of the life?
What if he wanted to be even closer to Jisung than this?

What if he


maybe started liking his friend a little bit more than friends usually do?

All of this was so confusing, Minho had to shut up these odd thoughts. Abruptly he stood up and walked into the greenhouse. They usually had some alcohol in stock up here, hidden in a big, empty flowerpot.
Well, the only bottle that was left, was some cheap liquor. He shrugged and took it with him. Better than nothing, at least it should be enough to distract Minho from his thoughts.

Jisung on the other side got startled by the others sudden movement. Since he had a few drinks too much earlier this evening, his mind still felt a little cloudy. The silence of the night and Minhos warmth made him drowsy.
Now his best friend came back and Jisung hoped that he would quickly sit back next to him, to fill the cold emptiness he had left when standing up.

Minho held a bottle with a pink liquid in it in his hands. "Look what I found."
"What's that, raspberry liquor?"
Minho nodded. "I don't remember putting it here, I don't even remember buying something like this."
Jisung chuckled. "It was me. Seungmin gave it to me when he moved out last year. He found it in his old apartment. He didn't know why he had it there, either. "
"Well, I'm not sure if I really want to try it then."
"Come on, you really left me alone, freezing to death, just to be such a pussy now?"
"I'm not." Minho threw himself on the sofa and opened the bottle. At least it was a new one, never opened before.
"Then take the first sip, hyung."
With these encouraging words in his ears, Minho took the bottle to his lips and drank a few sips and grimaced.
"Disgusting! It tastes like pure sugar. What is this, unicorn piss?"
Jisung laughed at the older.
"Don't laugh! Here, try it. Suffer with me."
The younger took some sips of the pink liquor, too. Yes, Minho was not wrong. It tasted awful sweet.
"Ewww. It hurts to say that, but I agree."
"See?" The older took the bottle back and drank some more. Even though it tasted like his tongue would die from it, his first priority was casting out his weird thoughts. Without words they agreed to share the liquor, sitting in silence, again.

But silence was Minhos biggest enemy at the moment.

"Jisung", he started, without knowing what he wanted to talk about.
"Hm?" The latter leaned on Minho, taking back the bottle.
"We didn't even check if our new apartment has a rooftop, too."
"Oh, I really hope so. I'm gonna miss this place." Jisungs gaze wandered over the old furniture, the fairy lights and the city in the distance.
"Me, too." Minho sighted. "But you know what? I'm glad that I'm moving in with you. Not someone new I barely know."
"Same here. Think about those poor couples that have to share an apartment after - what? One month? - of knowing about the others existence."
"True." Minho took the half empty bottle back.
The alcohol slowly run through their veins, making them giggle about the problems these new couples would most likely have to deal with.
Jisung swallowed another sip. "You know so much about me, that would never happen to us. You know what I eat in the morning, you know my favorite shampoo. Hell, you even know what to do when I sleep like a dead and nobody manages to wake me up."

Yes. Kiss you awake.

2 kids room ep 2 came out, bye~~

My song rec for today:
🦋Strawberries and Cigarettes🦋
by Troye Sivan

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