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Here's another chapter for you guys, I hope you like it (: I feel like I somehow lost my writing style and try to find a more harmonic one. I'm sorry if my chapters don't really  sound... Nice? Idk😅
Btw studying really sucks at the moment, there's way too much to do if you want to sleep or eat besides learning lol
But hey, ERIC NAM RELEASED HIS TOUR DATESSSSS I'm too broke for that but AAAAH^^
Anyways, enjoy the chapter(:

"Please fill out the forms I'll give to you now. Here you go", a young woman handed some papers to Jisung, "And for you", same for Minho. "Please don't talk while writing, okay?"
Both boys nodded and started reading.

What's your favorite color?

"Feels like kindergarden", the younger boy mumbled while writing red. He looked down on his outfit. Yeah, red. Obviously.
Then he started to read the other questions.

What's your favorite food?
Favorite season?
Favorite animal?

This really felt a little bit like his first day in a new school, where everyone had to create a profile, to hang them up on a wall in the classroom. Jisung shook his head and filled everything out.

After both boys finished writing down their answers, the woman who has given them the forms earlier took a chair and sat on the other side of the table. "Please turn around the papers, okay? I'll ask you questions and you try to answer them for your partner, got it?"

*changing pov*

Okay, for people who don't really know each other this game might be a good idea. But for best friends? Minho couldn't really see a sense in this activity. The system knew everything about everyone, the should've realized that they have matched two guys, that already knew each other damn well.

The woman smiled at him. "Let's start with you, Mister Lee. Can you tell me, what Mister Hans favorite color is?"
Minho chuckeled. "Even a blind could tell. It's obviously red."
The older could see his friend wrinkling his nose, propably scolding himself for choosing to wear this exact shirt today. Then he sighted. "Yeah. Obviously that's right. And please, can you call me Jisung? I think, I'm younger than you and I sometimes feel uncomfortable to be called Mister Han."
The woman nodded. "Sure, Jisung then."

After some more rounds of this get-to-know-each-other game, where none of the boys learned anything new, the woman took the forms and smiled. "It seems like you already know each other very well."
Minho just chuckeled and Jisung nodded and answered her. "Yes, we were best friends for a long time. So this game was pretty unnecessary for us."
The woman slowly nodded. "Yes, I know what you mean. Maybe the questions were too basic for you two. So, can I ask you something else?"
Both boys agreed. Minho still wondered, why she seemed like the fact, that a match of two boys sat in front of her, didn't seem to bother her at all.
"It's about the future.
Everyone has that story he usually tells people, who want to know what you want to do in the future. But deep inside we all know, that these stories are not how we really feel about it. Right? I'll leave for some minutes, but I want you to talk about this. About your true goals and future desires. Just let your hearts speak."
Again she smiled her warm smile, then left.

The room was quiet, until Jisung cleared his throat. "So... was she right?"
Minho gave him a questioning look. "Huh?"
"About that we don't tell people our true future goals. That we only tell stories to satisfy the others."
Minho thought about that and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I think it's kinda right."
"What about you, Hyung? You know, that I know what you really want to do in future. But which story do you usually tell? "

That was true. Minho still could remember the day, the younger had tried his best to let Minho change his major from physics to dance. He had bothered the secretary that much, in the end she has shoutet at him and threatened to call the security. Jisung really has tried everything back then. He didn't want to accept that the system has decided this for his best friend. That they had chosen science instead of dance for him.
There was nothing the older was more passionate about. When Minho danced, he built his own world. Forgetting the trouble around him, only focusing on the music, the beats and melodies that flew through his veins like his life depended on it. He still tried to visit the universitie's dance studio as often as possible, but with the time it got more difficult to find some free time between physical researches, deadlines and tests. Only his friends knew how much the boy loved dancing. Even his parents thought, that he was into science and very happy with his major. That Minhos heart hurt ever time, when he saw the dance class practicing, he tried to keep for himself. The boy didn't want to make his family sad, didn't want his parents to worry.
So, everytime when someone asked what his plans for the future looked like, he told them the same.

Minho sighted. "I always tell them that I'm very happy with physics. That I want to work in a research laboratory, maybe about cosmonautics."
He could see the his own sadness in the younger's eyes.

Some years ago~

"I want one, too, Hyung!"
Minho gave Jisung a bottle of lemonade, their favorite one. It was pretty warm for a night in May and the best friend's had decided to take a walk through the empty streets. Now they arrived at a small beach, next to the river. It was one of Minhos favorite places, not many people came here, especially at night it was always empty.
The two boys sat on the sand and just enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.

"I like that." Jisung pointed with his bottle at the river. "The sound the waves make when they reach the beach."

For a while they listened to the calming whispers of the waves.

"Hyung, I am very sorry that you can't study dance."
"Its okay, Ji. The system wants me to study something else. You know, we can't to anything against that."
Jisung sighted. "I know. But it makes me sad. Sometimes I think it's so unfair, that they choose everything for us. Where we live, who we love, what we study. It's not fair, Hyung."
"I know." The older boy took a sip of the lemonade. "You know what I wanted to do after studying, Ji? I wanted to open a dance studio. That was my biggest wish. I wanted to be a choreographer and teach others what I love. Every day. But now", he bitterly laughed, "now I have to wear safety glasses and calculate every fucking day, until the day I'll die."

Again, silence took over and the best friends listened to the water and the dulled city noises. Jisung didn't know what to say, he really wanted to comfort the older, but how? The system just broke Minhos dreams like a mirrow that someone has thrown on the ground. Now the sparkling sherds glistened as tears in the olders eyes. He was sad. And frustrated.

"Ji, I hope, the system will choose something better for you. Something you really like."
There was still a year left until the younger boy would graduate and start studying. But...
"But I'm not even sure what I like. Hyung, there are so many things I'd like to try. And in the end it doesn't even matter what I like. They'll choose something for me, anyway."
"Youre right. But however, try to find out what you like. I will help you, if you want. Even if they want you to study something else, you will still have some free time to do what you love. I'll do the same. I've heard that you can book the dance studio of the university, even though it's not your major."
Jisung smiled at the older, it was pretty dark, but the moon illuminated his chubby cheeks a little bit. "Then I know where I have to look for you, when I want to visit you."

CHOSEN - The System Never Lies (Minsung FF)Where stories live. Discover now