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Letting Go

"Letting go isn't always about putting the other person in a mental box of 'people I no longer care about', or blocking them on social media and deleting their number.

Letting go isn't always about hating the other person or thinking ill of them.

Sometimes, letting go is forgiving them.

Letting go is accepting that they
hurt you, but refusing to allow that pain to define your entire relationship/friendship, or cloud your memories of them.

Letting go is about understanding that sometimes you can love someone and still be disappointed in them, sometimes you can love someone and still distance yourself from them.

Sometimes you can love someone but know that because they didn't treat you well, you have to cut off your ties with them.

Sometimes you can love someone but still can't forget what they did to you, and that's why you have to leave.

Letting go doesn't always mean having negative feelings towards them by the end of it.

Letting go can also mean wishing them well and wanting them to be
happy in all their future chapters, but knowing that this last chapter was as far as you both were meant to go.

Letting go means keeping them in your heart forever, and moving forward in your life with that feeling, instead of with them by side you."

-ruby dhal

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