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Kids. Listen. Carefully.

Do. Not. Date. Strangers. On. Wattpad.

This is for all Teenagers and Young Adults reading the book.

You don't know who's behind a screen. I'm sure some of you've already heard lines like these many times, but still pay attention and listen like a good person you are (probably).

Unless you're sure the person is 100% real, do not make the first move to reveal every little detail about yourself.

You may want to seek thrill and adventure and make lots of friends, but know that things can take an ugly turn if you're not careful.

I sympathize with people who've suffered due to bad instances.

This app is an awesome place for readers and writers, but still some spawns of Satan make hell out of it (Yes, that was a pun).

Read books from my reading list Central Perk for more clarification.

If you think you or someone is in trouble, don't be afraid to reach out.

Wattpad has a heavy load of users and the staff tries to do their best. Alas, they are humans too. Help them, so they can help you.

Take care. Stay safe.

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