32: Perfection

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The barracks were built into the walled defense of the castle, leaving gardens and a small home farm between the two. The former thief remembered passing them by the day she first came to the castle and on her way out this morning, but they weren't anything she had bothered to focus on. They started back towards the castle, but Althalos paused for a moment-as if noticing her interest with their surroundings-before leading her through the short fields of vegetables and a tree grove.

Something about the size of plots bothered Esme. "How does all this fit between the guard-wall and castle? The size is off."

Althalos chuckled. "The castle is bigger than the guard wall, as it is. The home farm and other gardens are half that size again, on top of the castle's sprawl. Aelif magic dominates all the greenscape in the city. You haven't been in a single park or garden that has matched the boundaries it resides in."

"So, where are you taking me, then?"

"Some place important to me."

Neither chose to speak further as they passed through the trees and into a bamboo grove with a narrow trail through it. One gap-almost imperceptible until they took it-lead to a clearing with an ivy covered gazeebo tucked away inside it. Light barely penetrated the structure, making it a bit difficult for Esme to navigate. Before she could adjust, Althalos dragged her back against him, embracing her as he fumbled with removing her clothing.

"Wait, All."

"You gave your word. No questions."

Mild resentment edged into Esme's thoughts as he expanded and misued her simple promise against her. Of all the...princely things to do. "That was for bedding in a bedroom that we could easily have made it back to."

"I planted this grove when I was very young. I also almost lost you today. I've come here to make sure you have not been harmed." His explanation-though bald-showed he knew too well that he was pushing his luck.

"She didn't touch me, Althalos."

"No more talking." was the only response she received as he stripped them both and filled the gazeebo with that unearthly light Aelifs wielded-the same one his mother lit up with on the day he brought her to his parents. The Prince's reaction to it was more like a starry night, not nearly as unsettling as last she'd witnessed. His hands roamed her body, leaving a trail of dim light, otherwise she only reflected his glory. But when he put his mouth to her breast? Then she lit up like a flame, golden to his sliver, nearly as bright as their sun. Her all too human mind wished this weren't so alien to her, but knew this was something core to who the Aelifs were-perhaps she would never understand. That was her last coherent thought before she was consumed by the bond.

Althalos felt a pang of grief in that moment. She had no idea what he was doing, but he was fully aware of the pain he was causing himself-that this choice could hurt him for the rest of his life. But it was the only sure way he'd know she was safe-whole, even-for the remainder of their time together.

But as she glowed with a power she didn't even know she held, he finally found his idea of perfection.

To Make a Kinder Children's Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें