“..." 666 was silent for a moment in embarrassment, and said, “Let me give you some music. ”Then he played out the background sound of the game.    

 With the explosive sound effect blasting in his ears, Pei Lu finally felt a little relieved, wiped his sweat and ran down the mountain.     

It's not far from where I originally lived.     

→666 said.     

Pei Lu panted and ran halfway up the mountainside. There was only a dilapidated temple on the empty mountainside, and there was no residence mentioned by 666.    

 After looking around unbelieving, Pei Lu said suspiciously: “Don't show me the wrong way, right? ”     

Where does it look like someone lives here?    

 “...let me tell you something," 666 said slowly, "You have to hold on...”     

An unknown premonition suddenly surged in Pei Lu's heart.     

“The place where you originally lived... is the broken temple in front of you...”    



Pei Lu was silent for three minutes this time.     

Three minutes later, he seemed to have been numb by the blow, and asked 666 with a dead heart,

“If there is anything else, you can just say it at once. ”     

3D live-action ghost movies, living in a broken temple... what could be more exciting? !     

666 After thinking for a while, he decided to leave him a way to live, and said cautiously, "Why don't you go in and have a look by yourself? ”    

 “..." Pei Lu looked at the broken temple that didn't even have a door in front of him, and took steps with difficulty.     

It was dark in the broken temple, and the statues on the main hall had already disappeared, leaving only an empty throne.

It was impossible to see which kind of gods were enshrined before. Pei Lu folded his hands and bent over to worship three times before raising his feet to enter. .    

 The broken temple was cleaner than expected. There was no choking dust and no bugs and mice scurrying around. It did look like someone lived there.    

 Taking advantage of the faint moonlight, Pei Lu walked inside carefully, walked around the back of the throne, and found neat straw and bedding on the ground, with three dark shadows lying side by side on the bedding.     

Seeing the figure suddenly, Pei Lu was taken aback, took a step back instinctively, and let out a short cry in his mouth.     

One of the figures was awakened by him, and sat up in a daze and looked in Pei Lu's direction, “Dog egg? Is it you? ”   

  Pei Lu's heart beat faster with fright, and he took several deep breaths to suppress the fear in his heart, and said tremblingly, "Yes, it's me. ”     

The figure seemed to be used to it. With a sigh, he lay down again without asking more questions, and made room for him next to him, “Go to bed when you come back." ”     

Pei Lu rubbed the chicken skin on his arm, and hesitantly sat down on the edge of the grass paving.

The gentle breathing next to him finally gave him a sense of solidity.     

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