The Red Amaranths

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A small grin played on her lips as she lay sprawled on the settee, a long finger circling the rim of her wineglass. The nobleman's hungry gaze followed her every move, from the way her lips parted slightly as she laughed, to the way her green eyes twinkled in the bright light. Even though he was in the armchair a good few feet away from her, the distance between them was too little for her liking. If it were upto her, he would already be rotting twelve feet under the ground.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Aaron staring at her, and she mentally cursed at him. If he couldn't keep his jealousy in check, all their hard work from these past few weeks would be undone.Though she had to admit, even disguised as a servant, he was undeniably attractive.

Focusing her attention back on the nobleman, she let out a breathy chuckle at whatever jest he had just made, sitting up straight, and setting down her glass. This game had gone on long enough.

His eyes blatantly focused on the spot the slit in her dress parted, revealing the milky skin of her leg below. Resisting the urge to put a dagger in his chest already, she tilted her head, putting on the best innocent look she could muster.

"My lord?" the words were soft, and the title was definitely not one he deserved, but it did the trick. "I believe you have a promise to uphold to me."

"Ah, yes, yes, of course," he said in his unbearably nasally voice. He stood up, offering her a hand. "If you would follow me, my lady?

With a placid smile, she took his hand, letting out a girlish giggle as he put his lips to her knuckles before pulling her along to the door.

Aaron made a gagging gesture as he caught her eye, but one glare from her had him returning to his neutral expression. He followed them at a respectful distance, playing the humble servant's part well. A pity it would be over soon. She had been enjoying ordering him around these past weeks. 

She followed the nobleman into his study, and he finally retracted his clammy hand from hers to open a chest in the corner of the room. Inside, there was another box, this one with a numbered lock. He gave her an apologetic glance, and she got his message. Internally rolling her eyes, she gave him a polite nod before averting her eyes.

 A few moments later, a hand under her chin tilted her head up so that she was looking into the nobleman's eyes. In his other hand was an object wrapped in red silk, it's outline enough to confirm it was what she had been looking for all these weeks. She had already found it three weeks ago, but the numbered lock had been one only the nobleman knew the password to. And now here they were. 

Gingerly, she took it from him, and he let go easily, his predatory gaze not leaving her eyes. She went to unwrap it, but he caught her arm.

 "Now, what's the hurry? That's a precious, precious artifact you hold, my dear. Don't you think I derive a little something in return of allowing you to see what the King himself hasn't seen yet?"

His face inched closer to hers with every word, but before his lips could meet hers, his eyes widened, a choked gasp escaping his parted lips. Coughs raked his body as he fell to his knees, hunching forward and wrapping his arms around his torso. Taking a step back, she unfolded the silk, revealing the contents wrapped in it: a red ruby the size of her fist, polished so bright that she could see her reflection in it, and beside it, the most beautiful dagger she had ever seen. Its hilt was lined with emeralds, and the blade itself was black and golden, sharp enough to cut through almost anything.

Looking back up at the merchant, she flashed him a wide and unabashed grin instead of the delicate smile of a Lady. 

She tsked, giving him a mock pitying look. "Must be the poison in your wine. Also, don't waste your last breaths on screaming for the guards. I already dispatched them last night."

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