The Outrider's New Outfit

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   I didn't know how to feel about Amber's alt outfit being just a recolor when they first revealed it. But now that I've been using it it does look really clean. (It does cover her in certain places now though. Smh China)


     "Shoo! Shoo! Back of you pest!" Turner, an elderly man from Dawn Winery flails a rake around as he tries to get rid of a rather large group of slimes that had entered his garden.

      The slimes weren't threatened, but still agitated. A little one squeaking as it did something similar to furrowing ones eyebrows. It jumps in a feint which succeeded when the old man quickly shuffled back in fear of getting hit by the slime. Annoyed, one swift smack from the rake was enough to pop the small little slime into goo. But that wasn't the end of his problems as there were still quite a few more, even bigger ones with it. One of the bigger Cryo slimes, with a sharp iced top, took the jump forward to the old man. Knowing how much he probably take a slime its size, he just braces himself with his trusty rake to defend. 

     Fortunately, as it jumps and hovers midair, with an arrow infused with pyro. It melts a pierces through the big slime and saves Turner. The old man looks left to track where it came from. Where someone knelt on a tree branch and pointed a bow,  Amber flashed a smile and reassuring look through her goggles.  A few more smaller slimes continue to approach, this time an array of normal arrows shot from a different angle to dissipate the creatures. While Amber shot the bigger one's with a Cryo shields, you took care of the smaller ones. The old man backed away from the still growing number of slimes, so you decide to do some close combat. Jumping off the roof you glided to the top of where a lot of slimes crowded and plunged in. 

    With a few more minutes to make work of the remaining slime, the coast finally cleared. The old man was very grateful when you checked to see if he was okay. After a job well done, Amber took off her goggles feeling accomplished. However she couldn't notice one dendro slime that, even though not part of the invading group of cryo slimes, was in the vicinity close to Amber that triggered it's aggro. Hearing its squeak a bit too late, the slime pounced on the branch she was in, causing it to shake and get her unbalanced. the end of the branch latching unto her hood as she fell, she cringed when she heard a loud rip. Annoyed, she shot a flame with her vision and burned the slime as she got herself back to her feet.

    "Amber, y-you okay?" You ran up to her as you saw her fall. 

    The outrider sighed. "I didn't notice that slime... Geez now my hood got ripped." The two of you looked up at the hanging fabric of what once was Amber's hood. She jumped and grabbed it, but seeing it's state, it doesn't look like a simple stitching was enough to revert it back to its old self.

   "I guess I'll have to go back to headquarters to ask for a new one..." Amber couldn't help and laugh at the situation. She brushed off the dirt on her bare shoulders, as she prepared to head back to Mondstadt. You on the other hand stared at her for a bit before draping your own hood over her. "Huh? What's this?"

    "...How about you go home first and change? I' the one to take this to headquarters." You took the tattered hood from her, seemingly not making eye contact. Surprisingly feeling a little bit selfish seeing her a bit more bare than usual. 

      "Eh..." Amber snickered.



      Amber just obediently went home and took your offer to go get a new hood for her. Snickering once again as she thought about it. She decided to wash herself first so she stopped by the bathroom. As she splashed her face with water and looked back up to the mirror, she grinned at the sight of herself wearing your hood. Compared to yours, she only wore a smaller one that only went down to her chest level. Yours was longer as it reached down to her waist. She twirled around to look at herself, doing some poses here and there, even doing some impressions of you.

     "Alright what's today's mission, Captain?" She said in her best attempts of your voice.

    "Wooh I'm amazing at cooking!" 

    "Wow, you really are the best Outrider!"

    "Amber, you're the cutest...."

    The girl blushed, turned her whole face red and covered her face as she managed to embarrass herself from her own acting. She kicked her legs in cringe, splashing her face one last time to wash it away and stomped back to the bedroom to change. 

   As she got to the closet and had her hands on the hood to take it off, she pulled it to her face for a moment and smiled. Getting an idea from her current situation, she opened the closet to your side. Staring at them for a bit before looking out past the door toward the front door. A quick fit wouldn't hurt...

    As expected, compared to hers, your clothes were more bigger. Wearing them would make it baggy and reach her thighs. But it didn't really bother her as she looked at herself in the mirror giggling to herself as she tried on everything.

   That is until the front door clicked.

   "Hey Amber! Master Jean said they actually have a new uniform for you, so you should go check it ou—" You talked as you made your way from the front to the room, only stopping when you peaked inside to see your girlfriend tripping over with a bunch of your clothes in hand as she had scurried to put them back.

   Your lips quivered trying to hold back a smile and a laugh, though you wished you could have seen what she had been doing. The flustered red on her panicked face said that the wish wasn't mutual. 


   At the headquarters, you waited out a room with the others as Amber put on the new outfit that was issued for her. When she finally went out, she skipped towards everyone, her hands hovering up as she was also looking down at her new outfit?

    "What do you think?" She smiled.

      The Acting Grandmaster nodded

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      The Acting Grandmaster nodded. "Mhm, it suits you. You really look like a captain now."

     "Huh." You admired the new outfit and turned to the Calvary Captain to whisper. "Hey do I get  new outfit too?"

    Kaeya chuckles. "No this was supposed to be for her, I guess to differentiate her as a Captain. You still get your standard one even if you rip yours apart."

     Sighed disappointingly. "I wasn't gonna do that..."

     "Hehe... What do you think, (Y/N)?" Amber leaned over to you.

   "You look cute as always, but somehow it makes me feel like I should be more formal with you now." You crossed your arms, still looking at her.

    "It does make me feel more professional. But..." She put a hand on her chin to think. "Oh! Let's go gliding! Then I'll figure out if I like this one or not!"

      "Is that really how you grade your outfits?" You laughed as she pulled you out of the headquarters to the usual high up place.

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