Birthday Girl

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Its August 10, Amber's birthday.

🔫 Tell her Happy Birthday now.


      Amber yawned and stretched her arms up. She walked out of her apartment and locked the door behind her. She rubbed her eyes, still not even fully awake yet. But when she turned around she noticed someone standing right beside her causing her to yelp and jump back.

       "Morning!" You greeted her nervously as you saw how she instinctively reached for her weapon.

        "(Y-Y/N)? Hey, you... surprised me there." She sighed in relief, putting the bow away.

         "S-sorry, I arrived pretty early so I waited for you to wake up."

         "Yeah you are pretty early! What's up? Its usually me that's waiting for your sleepy head to wake up."

        "Well let's just say today is special." You smiled. Taking her hand. "Come on let's get to work. The earlier we start the earlier we'll finish."

        "Huh? I haven't even timed in at headquarters yet." Amber said reluctant to start heading out of the city.

        "Oh... don't worry, I told Master Jean about it and she was fine with it." You explained, leading her to the city gates.

      "If you say so..." Amber nodded, still a bit confused but softened up to her boyfriend holding her hand.


      Usually your daily rounds as Outriders would be scoping the areas near the city for any Hilichurls that set up camp. And for once you were thankful for them, as it seems the monsters took and off day and didn't set any new camps at any risk area.

      Though you still kept an attentive eye out, the scout felt nothing more than a nice nature walk together. For the whole time your hands didn't separate, Amber even started to walk closer to you, having your arms touch together.

        It was already near noon when you made your lap back to the city. Sometimes it felt like time was too fast, wishing the moments would last longer. Amber's stomach rumbled, causing her to feel embarrassed and looked away from you for a moment. You chuckle at her thinking it was cute.

         "H-hey, we're near Sprintvale right? Let's stop by and get something to eat." Amber asked.

         "Hmm, I have a better idea." You smiled.


        You took Amber to a spot near the lake, a nice shady place under a tree. You laid out a blanket and started unpacking some things you brought with.

        "I was wondering why you were carrying a bigger bag than usual." Amber placed her hands on her hips, amused.

        "I thought about cooking it beforehand, but it won't taste as good cold. So I'll just... cook for you." You opened a small container with some raw meat, veggies and condiments.

         "You need any help?" She asked.

         "No no, you just sit there and relax, okay?" You smiled at her. You walked over to a pile of wood with a pot hanging over to it, you paused for a moment. "Okay... maybe I could use some help lighting this.."

       Amber laughed, using her Pyro vision to ignite a flame into the wood. You thanked her with a peck on the forehead before you began making the meal.

        Amber wasn't too adamant about just sitting around and letting someone else do the work. She started to fidget and look around. She spotted a Cuihua tree that bore Sunsiettas that were ripe.

        "Oh I know! I'll pick some fruits and maybe some sweet flowers for some tea!" Amber suggested excitedly standing up.

           "Come on, just stay!" You looked back and sighed at the Outrider that just can't stay put.

          "It'll taste better with some things on the side! Don't worry, an Outrider knows how to pick the best for foraging!" Before you could protest she had already started to run towards the woods.

         You could only laugh as you watch her jump around the trees. You looked back at your dish, pulling out some candles you also packed. Placing the roast carefully on the plate and using the flame to ignite the candles which you carefully placed on top.

       As Amber came back, arms full of fruits. She excitedly ran back to you but paused when you stood up and showed her the roast. She stared at it bewildered as you somehow managed to write 'Happy Birthday' using the sauce.

       "I know a cake would have been normal but I felt like using your favorite would be better." You awkwardly chuckled, extending it to her.

        Amber was speechless, she felt so touched. Honestly it kind of slipped her mind that it was her birthday. She dropped the fruits she was carrying and accepted the plate.

        "Happy Birthday Amber." You told her. She blew the candles out, she couldn't say anything and just smiled brightly.

      You both sat down and got ready eat. Amber still couldn't believe it, her special day and she gets to spend it with the person she loved the most.

        Her hand crawled over to yours and held it. She leaned over and kissed you. Her head then rested on your shoulders as you began eating.

     You spend the rest of the afternoon with Amber in your little picnic date.

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