Feeling Distant

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        Amber returned to Mondstadt, a bit exhausted from another day's Outrider work. Though lately she's been getting less hectic jobs than usual. Today she only did some errands of a broken carriage down the road, it wasn't a Hilichurl ambush, just bad wheels. The most action she would get would be helping an injured hunter slay some boars. But that would be the only time she ever held a (borrowed) bow ever since hers broke.

        As she walked through the small stairs to the marketplace someone rushed passed her. She glanced over at them, instantly recognizing who it was.

       "(Y/N), you're back!?" Amber called out, her eyes gleamed with excitement.

       You heard the call and turned your head. But the millisecond you noticed the familiar red outfit you turned your head away and kept running.

       Amber stared blankly as you got further, her smile started to go down. She was confused. "M-maybe he just didn't hear me?"

       She decided to pace. Running back to the headquarters where she thinks you would have stopped by. After confirming it with Wyratt that you did enter the Acting Grandmaster's office she went over to enter too.

"Master Jean? It's Amber." She knocked on the door before opening. And sure enough (Y/N) was there talking to Jean. The two looked back when Amber entered.

"(Y/N)! Welcome back!" Amber smiled.

"H-hey Amber." You waved at her. You then turned back to the Grandmaster and bowed. "So yeah, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused and I'll be serving the Favonious again tomorrow."

"Yes, it's good to see you back and healthy, (Y/N)." Jean smiled.

"Uhm hey, uhh... Since you're back now." Amber fidgeted around, Jean couldn't help but be remind of Klee when she observed her movements. "I-I'll treat you! To celebrate!"

"Oh sorry, I... got something else to do." You looked apologetically at her. "Maybe some other time?"

Amber frowned and lightly nodded but (Y/N) didn't spare a moment and left. Amber sulked and sighed as she headed out too.

"Hmm... does he really want to stop?" Jean muttered to herself as she stared at the door.

Amber quickly turned to her concerned. "What do you mean?"

Jean gasped a bit embarrassed that she was heard. "Oh please don't mind me, I was just speaking to myself."

Curiosity struck the outrider, what could be so important that he was frantically running through everything. She didn't want to admit it, but after not seeing him for a long time, she had wished to have at least struck a proper conversation with him.

Unfortunately Amber's mood would go even lower. As she sneakily glided down after (Y/N) as he made a beeline done back to the city gates she noticed someone enter the city. The maid-knight outfit combination made it easy for anyone to recognize who it was. It was Noelle.

(Y/N) slowed his pace as he quickly waved over to her. The maid smiled and bowed to greet him. Amber stopped by the fountain, only looking at the two from there. She couldn't hear nor make out the conversation going on but somehow she felt bad.

"Well its not like i was by his side all the time but... I never really saw those two together, I didn't know they were close." She thought.

Her chest felt heavy as she looked at the sight. When her heart stung she felt even more guilty. Why would she feel like this? Does she really have the right to be? Questions started to flood her mind.

Gliding Through The Wind [Amber X Male Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat