First Meeting

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"aMbEr Is LoW tIEr aNd UsELEss"

Aight who cares? She's cute and that's all that matters. Never left my team the moment I got her. So anyway, after like... 100 hours of playing the game I decided to make a fanfic. And its about best girl!

I'm planning this to be just scenarios full of wholesomeness. So no plot, but maybe there would be 'plot' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway I hope you enjoy!


     "Alright, I'm going now!"

      You shout from the front door. You turn to see your mother smiling at you as she sees you off. She walks towards you and places her two hands on your shoulders. Her eyes seemed reminiscent.

      "You grew up so fast." She sighed. "One day you're wetting yourself over a few slimes and then now you're setting off to Mondstadt to join the Knights of Favonious."

        You cringe. "Mom, I'm pretty sure the time that's accumulated is enough that people would move pass things like that."

         "Maybe this time he'll cry when he sees a Mitachurl instead!" You hear the laugh of your sibling from the other room.

         "Shut up!" You shout back.

         Your mother's face shifts from a smile to a bit of worry.  

         "Do be careful, alright? I heard the monsters these days are more vicious... it'll ruin your look and lower your chances."

        You cringe once more at her last comment. You turn away in embarrassment. "This again..."

      She rest her cheek on her hand as she teasingly worried. "Despite having so many girls in the village you somehow managed to go through your teenage years without a girlfriend."

       "Arrghhh, I'm just gonna go now!" You groaned and stormed out a bit flustered.

       "Fufufu~ You gotta do something (Y/N), girls don't just fall from the sky."

        You dash away from the house and your mother's teases. A bit annoyed that the farewell devolved into this, but you know that she's just doing it to stop herself from getting emotional.

        And you head off to a new chapter of your life. Unknowing that fate will soon prove your mother wrong...


          Truth be told, despite always wanting to move to Mondstadt and join the Knights of Favonious, you don't really know what you're aiming for here. As broad one's childish dreams can get, you sometimes end up not thinking about things like long term plans. Maybe eventually being a captain would be nice, but there's also being an alchemist. But at the moment you feel like just going with the flow and being  in wherever the events lead you in.

       Arriving at the Mondstadt, no matter how much you've grown, it seems the city walls were always enormous. With windmills being the only thing that stood taller, the city was surrounded by walls and a vast lake. You entered the place by walking through a stone brick bridge, you see some knights, future comrades, standing guard by the entrance.

         You stand in awe, gleaming at everything. Excited for what will happen next. You already start to picture yourself in armor, raiding a camp of hilichurls.  Maybe even taking down the abyss order, you never know!

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