2.02: On the Fence

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We're not exclusive, just giving us a trial run


All Olivia could think about was the incident that happened on New Years. Not the actual beating of Nate Jacobs, but the aftermath of it that took place in Fezco's home. They had slept together twice already, she's been staying at his place more often, and she definitely still loves him, but his lifestyle complicated things. A criminal justice major dating a drug dealer, Liv thought the irony was a little funny. Olivia felt like if she does continue her relationship with Fez something bad would happen, and she was kind of right. The thought of getting back together with Fez had passed her mind on New Year's Eve, and now all of a sudden Lexi seemingly had a crush on him. She knew Fezco wouldn't pursue her though, he's about to be twenty one, and no twenty one year old (in their right mind) would be with a high school girl. Right?

Olivia shook the thought from her head as she drove home. As she pulled up to her house, noticed Fezco's car in the driveway but her nanny's car was missing, She parked next to his car and hurried inside the house. Olivia heard Esme laughing in the living room meaning she was alright.
"Hey mama," Fezco greeted not taking his eyes off of his child.
"What are you doing in my house?" Liv asked putting her bags down. "Where's Di?"
"I missed my baby, so I told Diana she could take the day off," he replied.
"You know you can't be telling my nanny to leave and you can't be comin up in here like you live here," Liv said.
"I haven't seen y'all in a week, and you weren't responding to my texts or phone calls. I thought you dipped again," Fez explained picking Esme up and putting her in her playpen. "You mad at me or somethin?"

"No," she sighed sitting on the couch.
"Somethin' got you mad though."
"Yeah, but it's stupid and I don't wanna talk about it."
"Does it have anything to do with what happened on New Year's Eve?" He asked sitting next to her.
"Was it taking you to Laurie's? 'Cause I feel bad about that."
"Surprisingly it's not that," Liv mumbled.
"You can tell me what's bothering you, I don't judge," Fezco assured her.
"I wanted to spend time with you at the party, but you were occupied."
"Why didn't you sit with me and Lexi?"

"Because... Fuck, this is embarrassing for me," Olivia laughed. "I was jealous okay?"
"Why were you jealous?"
"Because I still love you Fezco, and I don't like other girls being around you," she confessed. Fez couldn't help but smile, he pulled his sweater over his mouth trying to calm down, but the giddy feeling wouldn't go away.
"That makes me feel good Livvy, I wasn't sure if you still loved me," he admitted.
"Even if I didn't have romantic feelings, I'd still love you Fez. We're family," Olivia said. "So, can we move on now?"
"We can if you tell me what your job is."
"Look, it's not something I'm particularly proud of," she started. "And I'd rather you not know."
"Olivia please tell me you're not letting some old motherfucker fuck you," Fez said getting sick at the thought.

Olivia looked at him completely bewildered.
"Oh my god, no! Where'd you get that idea from?!"
"From Rue!"
"Why are you listening to her of all people?! I'm a stripper Fezco!"
"A stripper?" Fez wasn't sure how he felt, he wanted to be supportive, but the thought of other men leering and touching on her made him feel jealous.
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself," Olivia assured him.
"I know you can, but I don't like that other men are looking at you half naked or topless or whatever," Fez admitted.

"Aw big jealous baby," she teased while kissing his cheek.
"If anyone gives you problems, I'll kill them."
"Trust me, I know. So we're good now?"
"Mm no. What about us? Are we gonna get back together? How's this parenting shit gonna work out?"
"We can give our relationship a test run, just to see how things work out. If it works out then we'll have to talk about who moves where, and if it doesn't we'll just co-parent," Olivia explained.
"While we figure things out can we still mess around?" Fezco asked pulling Liv onto his lap.
"Mmm, I don't know," Liv answered with a grin.
"Stop playin with me, sweetheart," Fez mumbled while placing kisses on her neck.
"Put your daughter down for a nap and I'll consider giving you some."

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