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Nolahni rushed into the room where Loki is contained. Correction. Was contained. When she arrived, Thor hit the cage with his hammer. And he was inside the cage. She stared in confusion, until she heard her husband’s voice from the other side of the room.

“The humans think us immortal. Shall we test that?” He laughed, moving towards a panel.

“Loki!” She called before he could touch anything.

“Ah, my love!” He turned to her with a mischievous grin. “Just in time for the show.”

Suddenly, they heard a man drop to the ground with a grunt, and appeared Agent Coulson, a large weapon in hand. “Move away please.”

The Novarkian decided against moving closer to her husband. If he was to get shot with that weapon, she wished to stay out of the way if she could. Loki stepped back from the panel, and his wife rushed to the opening of the cage, her hands on the glass.

“How do I set you free?” She asked Thor. Not moving from where he was standing, he looked over the panel, then back at his best friend. She whined when she realized she'd have to go exactly where she did not want to be. In front of a big weapon.

While Agent Coulson was approaching, the enormous weapon in hand, Nolahni went to walk around the cage when a man stood in front of her. One of her husband’s followers.

“Do you like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer.”

The only woman in the room winced at the memory. They had just gotten married at the time and she felt guilty for not doing enough to stop him. These people were afraid of them now, because of what he had done, to the point where they created deadly weapons to protect themselves. “Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?”

He prepares to fire the weapon when Loki suddenly disappears, reappearing behind him and thrusting the point of his spear through the agent’s chest. It happened so fast that Nolahni only realized what had happened when he yelled and dropped to the floor.

“No!” Thor screamed, punching the glass.

The brunette woman gasped, stepping forward and once again being blocked by the man. This time, she was not letting it slide. The act annoyed her greatly, she did not usually appreciate people standing repeatedly in her way.

“Stay out of my way.” She gritted through her teeth. The man did not react.

Feeling the wind blowing through her hair, she looked up to see the chute open, and glancing to the side, she noticed Loki by the panel. “Loki! No! Don’t!”

Not even sparing a glance, he pressed a button that sent the cell, with Thor inside, falling from the ship. Nolahni screamed, looking down the gigantic hole, then furiously stepping towards her husband. “What have you done!?”

But then again, his mind-controlled minion would not let her pass.

“You’re done.” She grumbled, raising her fist and punching him in the face. “This was for my personal pleasure.” She took advantage of him being disoriented to approach him again and put her hand on his head. “Now, if you’d please stay still.”

Her eyes glowed a darker glint of purple, sucking in his energy and it took barely a second for the man to fall unconscious. She had taken enough of his energy to have him succumb to slumber, not quite enough to kill him. Glaring up at the Asgardian she slowly stepped towards him.

“What was that? What is all this? What are you doing?!” She questioned, her voice getting louder with every word.

She was confused and wanted answers. This was not the man she knew. Not the man she married. Not the man she loved. This was a heartless man, with no care in the world as of what happens to those around him, including his beloved ones.

She could understand he was hurting, but his actions were giving off insanity and she could not find any justifications for him. And he shut himself too, she could no longer read him, or feel him. Perhaps it was the spear and its magical stone, but she did not like how inhumane he was being.

“I am taking what’s rightfully mine.” He simply answered.

“What? People’s lives?” She retorted sarcastically, disgust evident in her tone.

“My throne!” He yelled. The brunette simply stared at him, and he sighed. “We were happy. We can have that again. Together. Join me.” He held his hand for her to take it but she did not move. “Nola.”

“No.” He retreated his hand. “We could have been happy without the throne. Without the titles. Without the power.” She could see a mocking grin on his face. He did not believe it.

“We were happy because I love you and I thought you loved me too. Or do you not care for those petty things either?” His grin faltered but he stayed impassive.

She stepped away from him, approaching the hole where the glass cell used to be. Once she was on the edge, she faced him again.

“I wonder if you know what it felt like?” The dark haired man tilted his head in confusion. When I watched you fall, she thought.

“What was it you said? Humans think us immortal. Shall we test that?” She repeated his words and realization hit him like a truck as he reached out to her.

But it was too late, she had already let herself tilt backwards, falling down the open space.

It did not take him long to appear by the edge, looking down at her with a look she could not quite pinpoint. There was a mix of shock, hurt and despair, and she wondered if this was the look she had given him as he let himself fall in front of her.

It was a childish and unpleasant behavior but despite falling to her death, she was proud to have successfully inflicted him the same pain she felt. She was angry with him for what he had done and he won't possibly see the end of it.

And as she stared into his eyes, and right before he was too far for her to see him clearly, she saw his eyes switch to an electric blue.

Loki’s eyes were some mixture of green and blue, it was difficult to tell which it truly was, but they were deep. And soft. And full of emotions. Not a harsh, bright color void of life. She had been right all along, but who will listen to her after that?


double update as an apology

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