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"Come on, let's go downstairs, I have a surprise for you." He took her hand in his and pulled her out of the room, not too harshly, so she wouldn't trip on her long blue dress.

"Ah! Nolahni, here you are!" Thor greeted her. "Are you ready to open your presents?"

The Novarkian brunette looked over at the huge pile of presents laying in a corner of the room and her eyes widened in shock. All of those, were for her? She didn't even know half of the people present!

"All of them?" She exclaimed, but not too loudly do attract attention.

"No, of course not, you can open those whenever you wish. I meant my present, and mother's too."

"You got me a present?" She smirked and crossed her arms.

"Yes, come on!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him. His actions were harsher than Loki's but Nolahni knew he meant no harm. She still managed not to trip on her dress so everything was fine.

At that moment she realized Loki wasn't with them anymore. "Hey, have you seen Loki?" She asked Thor, while looking around, but it didn't seem like he heard her as he was still joyfully leading her to his mother.

"Mother!" Thor called. Or more like yelled. This man was way too loud.

"Thor! Nolahni! Hello dear, are you enjoying the party?" She embraced her shortly.

"She just arrived." Thor snitched, receiving a smack in the arm, resulting in him whining.

Frigga chuckled at the two, and while Thor left to get his present, the queen was left with her best friend's child. "You look a lot like her."

"Considering she was the Goddess of Beauty, this is a huge compliment, thank you, Your Majesty." She bowed her head.

"How many time have I told you to drop the courtesy with me? Call me Frigga."

"I wouldn't dare." She shook her head. It's been several years, but Nolahni respected Frigga way too much to just address her as a friend.

"Dove!" Thor was running to the brunette and his mother. Dove was the nickname he liked to give her. Because her domain was Love and Darkness, he thought it was amusing to mix the two.

"Here, open it!"

Nolahni opened the small box to see a triangular shaped brooch with a purplish gem in the middle. Looking at it closer she noticed it wasn't a brooch.

"What is this?"

"Hold you hand like this." He put the brooch in her hand and positioned it in a special way before instructing her to press the gem.

Once she did, the brooch turned into a sword, the ends she wasn't touching deployed themselves to form the hilt and the blade. She stared at it amazed.

"Thank you Thor!" She thanked him with a hug, careful not to hurt him with the sword.

"A warrior such as yourself must have a sword worthy of the name." He winked.

She smiled softly. "You know I don't do battles anymore."

"Thor!" They heard Volstagg call the blonde, and he rushed to his friends after patting his friend's head.

"I believe it is my turn to give you my present." Frigga said, taking the young woman's hands into her own. "This gift was something I wanted to offer your mother, she made a similar one for me, using Asgardian materials. I used Novarkian materials. I believe it belongs to you now." She made a circlet appear into her hands, putting it into Nolahni's.

"Oh my.." She gasped softly, gazing at the beautiful circlet. "It looks like the ones we had back home." She whispered.

The circlet had a silver floral design. It had a light transparent gem. Simple but lovely. As she put it on, she saw Frigga slowly starting to smile. "What is it?" She asked.

"The gem is turning purple."

It wasn't shocking, Nolahni knew what it meant. Frigga knew too. Transparent gemstones from Novark held a special magic, so when they were placed on a crown, their color represented the strength of that person. Purple meant power, magic, passion and purity of spirit.

"Your mother's was blue." The queen stated. Blue represented truth, wisdom and serenity. Definitely a good representation of her mother's qualities.

"Thank you so much." She was very touched to receive something familiar to her. That family took such good care of her.

"I will leave you now, I will go see our guests. You have another gift awaiting for you." Frigga pointed behind Nolahni and left. The Novarkian princess turned around, and barely had the time to see Loki's silhouette walking away.

She gathered her dress and ran after him, calling his name. He had disappeared. She walked further in the direction she saw him turn to and ended up in the gardens.

"Loki?" She called again.

"The crown looks lovely on you." He was standing right behind her, leaning to whisper in her ear. She smiled at their proximity though she could hear her own heart beating loudly.

"I have the looks of a queen, don't I?" She teased, turning her head to the side, their lips now a few millimeters away from each other.

They gazed into each other's eyes, millions of words exchanged in simple looks. Words that wouldn't have been strong enough to describe how they felt at the moment if they had spoken them.

He delicately took her right hand in his, and, encircling her with his left arm, he put something in her hand, his eyes never leaving hers. She then looked down to her hands, as she felt it move and saw a miniaturized green dragon in her hand. Those were specifically well-known for being good companions back in Novark.

"How--" She brought the dragon closer to her face. It was already an adult, but seemed like a young one.

"I had asked permission to travel across a few Realms. I looked for the perfect present for you, and somehow managed to find a lonely dragon. They're very stubborn by the way, it's absurd."

Nola laughed. "Yes, that they are. How did you convince it?"

"Managed to make him believe you were here. He's very happy to see I did not lie."

"For once." She mumbled teasingly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She laughed. "I will call him.. Loragon."

"Odd name. Why?"

"No reason."



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