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When I woke up the next morning I almost thought I was dreaming. My bed was so warm and comfortable I didn't want to move, especially with Cassie wrapped around me and Frank sleeping at the foot of my bed. But as I continued to stir, Cassie woke up and gave me smile. We got out of bed a few minutes later and I unpacked my luggage. Well I didn't really unpack, I just turned it over on my bed and started to pull things out. The one thing I wanted most is my NCAA trophy. When I had it in hand, I looked over at Cassie and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, in one of the sweatshirts that came out of my bag, petting Frank who looked very content.

            The sheer domestic vibes that this moment gave off made me pause for a second. This could very well be a glimpse into what my future looks like. Cassie and I possibly married, living together in a house of our own with a dog on a lazy Sunday morning with nothing else to do but cuddle and relax. My heart clenched at the thought that this could be my forever one day and I almost teared up. I took in the view for another minute while getting my emotions under control.

            "Ready for breakfast?" I asked her and Frank's head popped right up.

            "When you are." Cassie said.

            Together we walked downstairs with Frank who bolted down in front of us. He started barking up a storm and I just opened the back door for him to go outside. Just as I shut the door, I heard foot steps behind me and found a very spiky haired Alyssa looking around the kitchen.

            "Good morning?" I questioned while trying to hold back a laugh. Cassie didn't find it too amusing as she hit me in the arm.

            "I forgot you were home, sometime Frank doesn't stop barking for like 10 minutes if you don't let him out. It was my turn to let him out. Seeing as he is out, I'm going back to bed." Alyssa said and turned right around and walked down the hallway to her room with mom.

            When the door shut I couldn't help but laugh. Cassie joined me and when we calmed down we started making breakfast together. I felt like we were back in our dorm room together just the way we moved around with practiced ease and a few stolen kisses here and there. Now that the season is over, all the extra stress is off my shoulders and I just get to relax and be in love, something I'm very much looking forward too. As we finished eating our breakfast, I got breakfast together for Frank and let him back inside to eat.

            With him munching next to us I got a cup of coffee together for Cassie and started washing all the dishes from breakfast. After they were in the dish drain drying, I made my own cup of coffee before sitting down with Cassie at the island. Before I could say anything a door opened down the hall and my mom walked into the kitchen a few seconds later looking a bit more put together then Alyssa did.

            "Good morning." Mom said as she started to get her own cup of coffee brewing.

            "Morning, do you have a preference where I can put this?" I asked and pushed my trophy in front of me.

            "That is going right on the mantle under the TV. It needs to be front and center." Mom said and picked up the trophy and brought it into the living room.

            "You're still okay with me taking your car over to the house so I can pack up my stuff right?" I asked and took a sip of my coffee.

            "Yup, the keys are hanging on the hook by the door. There are plenty of empty boxes, tape and markers at the house already. So you can pack up everything you want to bring and leave it in the living room. I'm having the movers come again next week to take the last of the stuff we want. Anything that's left will be donated or just thrown out depending on how used they are. Also I want to take you shopping one day while you are here to get you some more furniture for your new room." Mom said after she came back into the kitchen.

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