Tell me Kitten...

Start from the beginning

Shoving his feelings down he strode over to her and took the bottle from her hand. If she refused to answer him she wouldn't get what she wanted. Spinning around on her seat Katherine made to grab it back from him, but he held it high above his head. "Hey, I was drinking that!"

"And I was talking to you. You need to call back your magic because it's affecting the girl. As it is I've had to seal her in her brother's bathroom until she is released from your spell." She blinked up at him in confusion. He noticed her eyes were back to the beautiful whitish-blue that he'd seen earlier today when she healed Rogers.

Frowning up at him she hugged her arms around her stomach. "What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything." Loki could see she really didn't know what it was she had been doing to those around her.

Softening his tone he placed the bottle back on the bar, but out of her reach. "Not knowingly, but whatever it was you have been doing for the last hour has affected those of us with magical abilities."

He was shocked to see a faint blush spread across her pale skin making him both amused by her reaction and jealous of whoever she'd been with. As far as he knew Barnes wasn't back yet and Katherine hadn't expressed an interest in anyone else that he knew of. Maybe she had brought someone home. The thought made him angry. That she would seek out some stranger to let out her desires on instead of someone more fitting had him seeing red.

Blanching, she glanced down at the floor towards their living quarters and stammered out, "I didn't realize, it's just-" Again she blushed, tinting her cheeks a soft rose color. "When I heal a person it gives me a surge of pure energy. Normally this would be fine since I was doing something to expel it, but.." She trails off.

"You did not realize the extent of your energy and even though you thought to sexually release it, it wasn't enough. Yes, I can feel that. The only issue is you're still exuding magic and it's still affecting those of us who are magically inclined." He says, shifting his stance hoping she didn't notice his still present arousal. If she didn't want to talk to him then he very much doubted she would be open to his willingness to assist her in this matter.

Katherine turned fully to face him as she slowly raked her gaze down his body. Heart pounding at the desire he saw in her eyes he stayed still and attempted to look indifferent as she bit her bottom lip and shifted her thighs together. It was most likely the overwhelming onslaught of her magic and besides, he wouldn't push himself on someone who was under the influence. Taking a step to her left he sat on the stool next to her. Katherine followed his every move with hungry eyes.

Clearing his throat he grasped the bottle she'd been drinking from and leaned over the bar for two glasses. Pouring them each a healthy helping of the amber liquid. He slid her one of the glasses and picked up the other. "If you've already done what you normally need to expell your energy then why are you.." He gestured vaguely in the air with his free hand.

"Because I exhausted my partner to the point that she passed out before I could receive my own pleasure." Now that did surprise him. Not her sleeping with a woman nor the fact that she was powerful enough to have let out that much magic and still have more to give, but her willingness to actually talk to him.

"So you still need release, both magically and sexually, that would be frustrating." Tossing back the entirety of his glass he gave the whiskey an appreciative glance. It wouldn't get him remotely drunk, but it was smooth and tasted good. Standing up he wished Katherine luck. "I hope you can get a handle on it soon otherwise you're going to have a little witch breaking down your door."

"Perhaps I should send Wanda to Vision. If your magic continues to overwhelm her he would be more inclined to help her with that particular problem." He says distractedly more to himself than to her. Katherine suddenly grasping at his shirt had Loki stilling immediately.

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