Ch-10) Back to camp life

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I went in my tent to sleep. Though I was tired I couldn't doze off.  I kept thinking about Artemis. I couldn't believe that she had the same feelings for me like I did for her. 

It was our first kiss. If felt like fireworks were going off inside me. The feeling was far intense than my first kiss with Annabeth.  To tell the  truth, I fell for Annabeth because she was somewhat like Artemis from the stories I had heard at the camp. If Annabeth hadn't broken up with me, I would never wished for death, I would never have gotten blessings of the Olympians, I would never have been adopted by the creator of universe, but most importantly,  I would never have met Artemis the way I did. I should thank her for it. 

For an hour, I stared at the roof of my tent. So decided to go out for a walk. Just as I got up, there was a knock on my door. 

"Percy?" I heard my Arty, "are you awake?" She asked. 

"Get in. Its warm inside" I said.

Artemis came in looking as cute as  ever. She didn't say anything. She just smiled and got under the comforter with me.

"Artemis ...." I started but she put a finger on my lips. 

"Don't say anything. I just want to be with you. Now, in future and forever. I don't to be separated from you. " I just nodded and pulled her closer to me.

"Percy, I love you. I know that made a huge mistake by not trusting you cause I am the one to blame. I wasn't thinking properly. When I heard Atlanta saying that you raped her, I was heartbroken. Back then, it was hard for me to accept my feelings for you and just as I had started being truthful to myself Atlanta's words hit me hard. I was jealous of her because I thought you were attracted to her, that you fell for her while I was falling for you. Percy, I wanted to be the girl you would cherish dearly and I still want it.

It might be too fast but I am past the point to just wanting to be your girlfriend, I want to marry you, Percy. "

"I love you too Artemis. But what about Zeus,what about the girls? If they don't allow it you would have to run away with me. Far away from this place. You won't be able to continue the hunt. I don't want to take your life away from you. Even if being with me makes you happy, I know you wouldn't want to loose your life as a hunter......"

"And what if they allow us?" I smirked. He understood what I ment and smiled. We leaned towards each other and our lips met in the middle. Both unaware of our surroundings, unaware that the hunters were watching, savoring the feeling of each other.

And just like that I fell asleep, with my head on his chest while his arm was around my waist. 

 We neither notice the girls entering the tent and taking pictures and nor their suppressed giggling.


I woke up finding myself sleeping with the man of my dreams. 'I am the luckiest girl cause I have such an amazing boyfriend. ' I thought. 

I kissed his forehead and started to get up but he pulled me down. I didn't even notice that he was awake.

"You startled me" I said. " you should have atleast woken me up. 

"You look so beautiful while sleeping, I forgot to wake you up." He said sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck like he usually did.

"You don't have to flirt. You can just ask for a kiss " I kissed him.

There was a knock on the door so Percy got up to answer it. 


"Morning love birds!" Thalia said as I opened the door,"Its already thn thirty. Breakfast is ready. Don't make us wait for too long.".....and she ran away in the direction of the campfire.

"You heard her Artemis, if we don't get washed up quickly, we won't get to eat."

She went to her tent to get a shower while I did it in mine. We were out in fifteen minutes and made our way to the camp fire where we met agitated looking hunters with with none other than Aphrodite. And she saw me......

"I knew it!!!! "She said in a high pitched voice,"I knew ! I knew it! I knew you would come back Percy. "

"No wonder the moon was so bright last night. Isn't it my dear Artemis?" She asked,"so bright that even the thick headed Zeus noticed it..... oh! I forgot, he sent me hear to call you to a meeting myself

Sooooo how are you gonna confront him Percy or should I say Shadow Slayer?"she rambled away, leaving no time for us to answer.

"I have a plan. A Zeus worthy entrance." I said, thinking about all the possibilities. Artemis rolled her eyes but there was a mischievous smirk on her face, "boys...." she said.

So we ate breakfast with the girls and Aphrodite.

We talked and shared stories of past three years. 

~ time skip~

"The meeting is at camp half blood. " Aphrodite said 

"Better. I won't had to do the introduction second time. Let's go." 

The meeting was goi g to  e held in the amphitheater. So I went to hide in the forest, waiting for Artemis's signal for me to appear.

Till then, i talked to dryads of the forest. 


"Artemis, my daughter, the moon was exceptionally bright yesterday. It seems that you have a good news for us. " Zeus thundered.

"Yes father, I have two good news to share."  I told him

I went up on the platform. I took   deep breath and started.....

"Father, as you know we have been assigned to find Shadow Slayer since last year and at last we found him...."

There were many gasps from the crowd while some demanded proof of it.

"The other good news is, " everyone stopped speaking to listen carefully, " I got a boyfriend." There was a huge commotion. Apollo fell from his throne. The sleeping god of wine woke from his slumber, the campers started yelling and badmouthing me cause I had accepted my love for Percy in front of entire council three years ago, but the best reaction was from my father.

"ARTEMIS! what is the meaning of this. I approve of  no one except except Percy Jackson. Who is it? He will feel the wrath for the king of gods!!! Bring him forth at once!" The sky rumbled as my father got angry.


(AN/: new chapter after such a long time... though I was reading on wattpad,  I totally forgot about my book. Sorry to those who have been waiting for the chapter :/AN)

(Percy will be revealed in next ch) :P 

Percy Jackson - Guardian Of The Hunt (Pertemis)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora