Chapter 1: The End of JNPR

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It's been two weeks since Beacon was saved, however, at a great cost.

many had lost their lives in the battle of Beacon both to the Grimm and to the White-Fang. However, despite the odds, Beacon had survived and it was beginning to rebuild.

Many students were not at Beacon either dead, heading back to the other Huntsmen Academies, or visiting family, as Summer Break had also begun.

Ozpin was alive and while still healing, would return to his duties as Headmaster, as well as having a few discussions with both the Council and General Ironwood.

Pyrrha and Ruby were hailed as the saviors of Beacon, though Ruby wouldn't know until she woke up, as she had been unconscious since defeating that dragon.

Yang was going to be ok, in fact, he heard she'd be getting a new prosthetic arm as an apology from Ironwood, and thankfully, she would also be returning to Beacon next year.

Blake was doing ok, but still on edge, as she was blaming herself for what happened to Yang, but apparently, thanks to some wise words from Weiss, telling her that the only one to blame was Adam, she decided to stay and would be staying with Yang and Ruby on Patch.

Weiss was safe and unharmed and would also be returning to Beacon next year, as she was finally out from under her father's thumb. She too would be staying with Ruby and Yang, as well as Blake on Patch until the school year started up again.

However, things with Team JNPR we're completely different.

Currently, Jaune Arc, leader of what was once known as Team JNPR, now stared at the empty room that was once his team's room. He walked in and sat right on his old bed and he continued to look at the empty room. As he looked around he couldn't help but be uneasy with how quiet the room was.

Usually, it was loud thanks to Nora but now... Now she was gone. As was Ren. They both were gone.

Both had sustained heavy injuries and died. When Jaune saw them in the infirmary, he saw that both were laid next to each other and they were holding hands, knowing that it was most likely their last moment alive with one another.

Jaune had cried heavily that night and all into the next morning. Later, they were buried with the other students who had lost their lives, a monument near the cliffs of the Emerald forest was being built, however, that's not how Jaune would remember them.

The only thing Jaune had to remember them by was Nora's spare pink gloves and Ren's concealed dagger.

Of course, he had tried to tell Pyrrha about their loss but she wasn't answering his calls. Most likely too busy with whatever was going on with Ozpin and Ironwood, but he was sure that Ozpin or Goodwitch had told her... But then why not see how he was doing? Why not come back to what was their home here in Beacon? Why not... Why not be there with him when they were buried?

Jaune Arc was alone.

Blake and Weiss were with Ruby and Yang in Patch while Ruby was still unconscious and he couldn't blame them for leaving, they already had a lot on their plate and Jaune did not want to burden them with his problems.

As for Pyrrha... Well, he had no idea where she was or what she was doing, but he was sad and angry with her. She had not been there with him, and she had not been there when Nora and Ren were buried, which pissed him off more.

He was alone. No team. No friends to help him right now.

He was also worried that he'd be kicked out of Beacon as now two of them were dead and one of them had just left.

Jaune looked around the now empty room and sighed. Today he was supposedly going to hear from the Ozpin about his future here in Beacon.

Suddenly, his scroll buzzed in his pocket and he took it out only to see it was a message from Ms. Goodwitch.

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