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In the scorching month of April, the unexpected rain brought relief to every living being with its tranquility. The drizzle had stopped almost an hour ago but the cold breeze continued blowing and pleasing millions of hearts. It appeared as if the moon and the stars were playing hide and seek under the cover of dark clouds while the sound of crickets in the atmosphere enriched the beauty of that night in Kolkata.

Nature seemed to be in a jovial mood along with the entire nation who eagerly awaited the grand wedding of the only heir of Gulrez, India's one of the most affluent business families.

Away from the commotion of her nuptials on social media, The soon to be bride, Noor Gulrez was sitting on the balcony, lost in her trance while glancing at the beautiful sky in silence. She was getting espoused the next evening, but surprisingly she still didn't feel an ounce of passion. Instead, she felt confused, reluctant, uncertain and most importantly restless. 

When she tried to speak about her feelings with her mother, she brushed it off stating it to be a common ordeal for every bride. However, She could only agree to a little extent.

The groom was the only heir of a powerful political family of Bengal politics who shared close ties with her family for many generations. Even though they always encouraged to spend time with him as the alliance was beneficial for both the families, It was not a case of forced marriage. She had known him for the last ten years and had decided to get married only after happily dating each other for at least three years. He was a handsome, six feet tall ambitious man with a charming personality and a great sense of humor.

She couldn't discern the reason for turning cold feet at the last moment. As the moment of marriage was closing, her tumult was intensifying double folded with the qualm about her decision to betrothal. In short, a day before her D-day, she could finally conclude that she no longer desired to get married.

It was not even the hard part. What irked her more was the anxiety about how to break the news of her recently lost interest in marriage to her family and the person with whom she had been promising eternal love for the last few years. She suddenly felt more wicked and worried.

Amidst every conflict of her life, she pulled out a cigarette and took lazy puffs while she watched the night slowly turning old and planned out a strategy to impede her marriage. As she flicked the spent ashes of her second cigarette into the ashtray, she sensed a sudden noise of something falling on the ground followed by a low groan behind her.

She stilled and turned alert with confusion because she clearly recollected locking the door of her room a few hours ago. If the door was locked, who was behind her. She slowly grew uncertain about her intuition.  When she was about to return to her room to confirm, a handkerchief soaked with fluothane was tightly pressed against her nose and simultaneously a strong arm gripped her waist to restrict her movement from her back.

She tried to resist and lose herself from his clutch. However, due to the effect of the chemical, she started feeling weaker second after second and after a few minutes of struggle, she finally lost her consciousness.

 However, due to the effect of the chemical, she started feeling weaker second after second and after a few minutes of struggle, she finally lost her consciousness

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