Ch-1 Family Heirloom

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Hi lovely readers! This is the first chapter in this story. I'm only a beginner in this writing world so please if you find any spelling or grammatical errors in this book please feel free to comment.

Xo Evelyn,

Why does all the meetings have to be boring? I'm sick of all these staff meetings. I feel annoyed. I just want to go home already take a nice long shower and cuddle into my favourite blanket with a video game.

"So if we want to increase the durability of our product we need to use children's friendly material" Mr.Lopez announced. What am I even doing here? This thing was not even in my job profile! For goddess sake I'm not in the sales or technical team. But what can we do when we have to attend meetings for our boss.

I know Mr.Pérez is a busy man but I'm a fucking busy woman too. Let me assure you being someone's PA is not at all easy especially Mr.Pérez's PA.

Finally the meeting was over after all the useless things. I walked out of the meeting and someone called me "Hey Ruth!" I turned around to see Grissel. Grissel Martinez is one of my co workers, a really lovely girl.

"Gri" I said. "So how was your mEeTiNg" she asked sarcastically. "Baseless as usual" I said with a huff.
"Wanna go for coffee?" She asked. "No you know I'm the secretary of The Mr.Pérez. I don't have time, I have to go and catch up on his new hotel project" I said looking at my watch. Shit! I was running late.

Before she could say anything I blowed her a kiss and went running.

Finally it's time to go back home. I packed my stuff from my table and bid Mr. Pérez a goodbye before walking out of the annoying building which I'll be seeing tomorrow again.

I got inside the cab which was waiting for me as always and drove off to home. Finally on reaching home I did my most favourite job, taking a bath and sat on my comfy couch with cup noodles.

Oh not to forget, today is the 2nd day of this year, let me fill information in my new diary. I got up took out the diary and pen and sat on my dinning table which I barely use for eating. My eating place is my couch mostly.

So let's begin, dear diary today is your first day with me so let me fill you up with information of myself. I'm Ruth Ansley your new owner. I live in Santo Domingo. I work in an multinational company named Pérez. I'm the assistant or you can say PA of the owner of this company. So you can surely say I don't lack money and I'll take good care of you. Oh! not to mention I'm 24 and I don't have a boyfriend unfortunately. That's all you need to know.

I closed the diary and finished the noodles. Noodles are my backup when I don't feel like cooking. Well I cook on occasions. Don't judge me, after doing all that I don't feel like cooking when I come home. All thanks to my qualifications that I'm here today.

I got in bed and was ready for another good night sleep.

I woke up hearing the alarm buzz. I got up did my daily routine and came out of tha bathroom wearing black pants, white tee and a white blazer. I put on my black heels, pulled my hair into a sharp ponytail and was ready to face another day.

I walked into Mr.Pérez's office and went to my desk. I sat there and switched on the computer to confirm today's routine with my list. I saw something which I really loved to see, we were going to meet Mr.Pérez's mother. Another family day. Today's gonna be my favourite day of the year.

I was arranging my files when Mr. Pérez walked in. "Good morning sir" I greeted him standing up. "Good morning Miss Ansley" he said giving me his most adorable wrinkly smile. Mr.Pérez was a man in his 50s. He has been a very great boss but he puts a bit pressure on me.

"Get me my coffee and read out today's schedule" he ordered. I went to get his coffee handed it to him and started reading out his schedule."Today you have a meeting about the Je Clari hotel, I've booked a reservation of your name at San Teres hotel. After the meeting we will be going to meet Mrs. Pérez, which means the annual family day"

A smile spread on his lips hearing about the family day. He really does love his family a lot. "Let's begin" he said with full energy. I smiled and nodded running back to my desk.

After the meeting about the Je Clari hotel I was currently driving Mr.Pérez to his mother's house.

I parked the car and walked after Mr.Pérez inside the lovely and comfortable house. Mrs.Pérez was sitting on her rocking chair with a book in her hand. "Máma(mother in spanish)" Mr.Pérez said walking towards her, she looked towards our direction and a smile spread over her lips. The old lady was in her 80s but was very young by her heart.

"Oh Abnar. It's been so long since you last came to see me." She said hugging him. The mother and son moment melted my heart. "Oh máma don't worry just a few more months and then I will come to see you everyday" he said.

Mr.Pérez will retire in a few months and his son will take over. Mr Pérez's wife died when his son was very young, so he shifted his son to abroad to stay away from the trauma about his mother.

"Ruth, querida(dear in spanish) come here" she said gesturing me to go towards her. I walked towards her and sat beside her. "Look at you, you look even more beautiful now" she said. "Thankyou ma'am" I said "Oh querida I've told you many times don't be formal around me. Abnar maybe your boss but not me. Call me abuela(grandmother in spanish)"

I smiled and looked at Mr.Pérez. "Oh don't look at him. I'm your bosses boss" "Ok abuela" I said. "Always remember you are familia to us. You've working for us for three years now" my heart warmed at her words.

"Wait" she said opened a locket from her neck. She held my hand and placed the locket saying "Keep it It's the reliquia de familia (family heirloom) I gasped and said "Oh no abuela I can't take it"

"But máma-" Mr.Pérez started but by Abuela. "Oh hush! I know what I'm doing. I'm not giving it to you forever querida. I want you to wear it until I ask you to give it back to me" she said.

I was confused so I asked "But why?"
"Just do it and don't ask questions. I trust you and I know you can keep it safe so I'm giving it to you. Here let me help you wear it" she said placing the beautiful crystal pendant on my neck. "Just don't open it whatever happens. You will only open it the day I ask for it back querida. This is a huge responsibility and I'm trusting you"

I smiled and said "I'll protect it with all I have querida and I promise I will not open it until you ask for it back" I said placing my hand on her. She gave me a mischievous smile before nodding.
So here is the end of chapter one. Any mistry or questions in mind?
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