Ch-4 Flying Back After 7 Years

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So here we are with our invisible guy. Can any of see him?

***Three months later***

"Why the hell are you so messy?" He asked picking one of socks. "If you want to stay clean keep it clean. I have no intention of doing so" I said landing myself on the sofa.

"Fine" he said as started rolling up his sleeves and started picking up the things on the ground. He put every clothing items from the floor in the laundry bag, picked up my empty snack packers and threw them in the dustbin, also cleaned the floor where I spilled some juice last week. I almost forgot about that.

He came near me and suddenly lowered himself infront of me. My eyes went big and I started stuttering "W-what are y-you doing?" And before I knew it he was back again with another one of my snack packets.
"I didn't notice this one" he said and went to the kitchen. I released a breath I didn't knew I was holding.

After a while he came out with a tray of pasta and I ran towards it. "I knew it you will move from the couch if I give you something to eat. Now I can clean it" I ignored his words and focused on the food.

Once I was done I went back to the couch and it looked so cleaned. It had new covers, the blanket was folded neatly. I'm clearly impressed with this guy. I landed myself on the couch again and started watching him working.

He organised my bookshelf and my study table. He went inside my room and I followed him. He did my bed and my laundry. He even cleaned all the dishes and the kitchen was clean all hell by now.

He finally came and sat on the couch with me rubbing his back. "Come let me give you a massage" I said gesturing for him to come. He raised an eyebrow and I felt nervous and put my hand on the back of my neck and said "You did all my chores and cleaned my house so I thought I could repay your kindness..." He smiled and moved forward.

He sat on the ground and I started massaging his shoulders. I could really feel his muscles. His hair looked so silky and I wanted to run my hands through them. The dark brown colour of his hair complimented hi green eyes perfectly. God this guy is hot. Wait! What the heck am I even thinking?! He's a stranger and I'm only letting him stay for a while.

"Thanks it feels very comforting " he said relaxing his shoulders. I smiled at him and continued. He seems like a good guy. Suddenly I got a call, I stopped massaging and picked up the phone to see mom's number.

I picked it up in a rush. "Mom" I said
"Don't call me that. I'm not your mother and I didn't wanted to call you. Isabella is getting married and she wanted you to come, even though I would not like to see your face anymore, Isabella comes first. The wedding is in a week" and she hung up without letting me say a word.

Wow she does hate me a lot, it hurts but wait Isabella is getting married?!!
Oh my god I'm so happy for her. My little sister has grown up so much.
"Pack up your bags Dex we're gonna fly to my home country" I said in an excited tone.

"What? Why?" He asked. "My sister is getting married!!" I said in excitement. He smiled and nodded.

We were sitting in the waiting room at the airport. The fight has delayed and I was getting annoyingly excited according to Dex.

"Can you stop tapping your leg" he said in an annoyed tone. "Oh sorry" I said smiling. Finally our plain was announced and we went on board.
Once were settled, I sighed. I'm so happy to see my family after so long.

"How long?" He asked "six years" I said. He gave me a questioning look.
I gave him a sad smile realising I have to explain it to him. "When I was 17, my dad gifted me a car. He took me out on lessons and taught me how to drive a car. One night I wanted to go on a drive with dad, my mom told me that I was not ready but I insisted and dad agreed" I sighed and continued.

"We went on a drive and everything was okay until another car came into view and I tried to turn the car...... My car crashed into the other car and I was the only one who survived the accident" At this point tears started forming. "I'm very sorry for your loss"

"Why are you sorry?" My voice broke.
"You didn't do anything, it was all my fault and now dad is not with us. Mom started hating me and blames me for his death which I deserve to be blamed for. She kicked me out the day I came from hospital and asked to not to show my face to her ever again"

He remained silent understanding the situation. "I came to Santo Domingo when I was 18 a little stable after my part time jobs. I had a scholarship so I didn't have to think about studies. When I was 21 and completed my collages, I got this job and here I am today"

"You're very brave. You handled yourself at such young without any money and managed to become successful. You have your own house today" he said making me smile about the memory of how I picked this house the moment I saw it.

"It was just an accident. It wasn't your fault. You can't change what happened, but you should stay happy with the happy memories of your dad" he said warming my heart all over. "Thanks a lot, no one has ever comforted me the way you did"
So here we go. What do you think will happen when they reach to her mom's house?
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