Ch-8 Almost Kiss

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So let's see what we got!

I was sitting in my cabin when, Mr.Pérez called me to his office. I went and he said "Miss Ansley we have a new employee. Please show him around. These are his details, he will be coming in an hour"

I nodded taking the file. I took to my desk and opened it. Wow.....this guy was handsome. He had dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was 6'1 and looked very built according to the photo. His name was Alex Davis.
He was from Boston.

After sometime I got a call from the reception. I went down to see Mr.Charming scrolling through the pages of some file. Man he's even more handsome in person.

I walked towards him a little nervous about my clothes now. No be confident Ruth you're at your work place. "Mr. Davis" he looked towards me and man those eyes Ughhh focus!
"I'm Ruth Ansley Mr.Pérez's PA. I'm here to show you around the office and tell you your job" I said smiling like a stupid.

"Please" he said gesturing for me to continue. "Oh! Yeah let's go" I said. Ruth be professional! I scolded myself.
Finally after showing him the whole thing I was free. I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding.

It was finally lunch and Gressel came running. Oh god! Not her questions again. Well atleast I don't have to buy her lunch anymore. "Hi Gre" I wished her. "Hey there! Come lets sit" once we settled down Gre started "who was that hot stuff you were showing around?" She asked. "He's just a new colleague" I tried to keep my words limited.

"Just colleague?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows like some mad woman.
"Yes" I sighed. "oh, vamos, te vi ponerte nervioso con esas cosas calientes. definitivamente es más que un simple colega (oh come on I saw you getting all nervous around that hot stuff. It's definitely more than just colleague in spanish)"

"Was it that obvious?" I asked. "Yeah ofcourse" she said laughing. I huffed and ate my lunch hearing Gre babbling all the time.

I finally relaxed on my couch when Dex came rambling about his kimchi sause. Come on he should understand it's not easy to get it here. I have drive all the way next colony for it.

"por favor puedes dejar de que me duela la cabeza( can you stop my head is aching)" I said out of irritation.
"What?" He asked. I sighed and said "I told you to stop, my head is aching"

"Oh.." was all he said before he again started babbling. "Oh please!" I said getting up but tripped over my pillow and fell direct on the ground.

He came and looked at my fallen self.
"You're a mess" he said. I gasped and said "Look at you not even a gentleman! You should be helping me!!" He extended a hand when I was about to take it he reached for the water bottle on the table.

Oh my goodness! This man!! I'm gonna kill him today!"You!!!!!" I said getting up and taking my pillow ready to attack him. He put his hand up and in defence and took off in a run.

I ran after him and into my room, he went up my bed, me being me got up the bed but tripped and we both fell on the ground.

His face was inches from mine. My breath hitched in my throat. I could feel his breath on my face. He looked down at my lips and lowered his face.
I closed my eyes but the expected never came. Instead he got up in an instant and cleared his throat.

It was an almost kiss....

What the hell are you thinking Ruth?! You will have to send him back home!! He will have to leave. You can't stop him forever. I know but only of I could......

I shook away my thoughts and stood up "I'm going to write my diary" and I went out of the room.

It's been a week since the almost kiss.
I still can't get it out of my head but when I'm with Alex, I feel so nervous that I almost forget about everything.

The office dance is coming soon and everyone needs a partner. I always become Mr.Pérez's partner because of two reasons. One I don't have a partner and second you can't come without one. Like what shit is this?! I organise the whole fucking event.

This year I want to ask Alex to come with me but I'm too nervous to even talk to him apart from business.

"You listening?" Dex shook me out of my thoughts. "Yeah go on" I said. "What happened?" He asked seriously.
I huffed and patted the seat near me. He came and sat by me. "It's about a guy"

He gasped and said "Why you worry when you have the love expert!" I raised my eyebrow and smiled saying"You? Love expert?"

"Test me" he said confidently. "Okay! So his name is Alex and I'm super nervous around him to even talk and...." I spilled the tea of how I can never be confident around him.

"Don't worry I'll go to office with you tomorrow to help you catch your bird" he said and I smiled.

"Is it okay?" I asked. "You have no fashion sense" he said before entering my closet and rambling with my clothes. He came out and handed me a outfit "Try this" he said.

When I put it on I was amazed myself that something like this was in my closet. It was a black full sleeved top, covering my whole neckline, a white skit which ended just above my knees and a white scarf and blazer. I put on my black heels and he asked me to let my hair fall on my back.

"Should I put on make up?" "I know you look like a monster but you'll do just fine without it" I faked a gasp and punched hi shoulder playfully.

"Time to go!" He said
So any questions? Any ideas about what is going to happen?
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