2. Explanations.

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Two days ago......

"What was so urgent Anna?" Maurice arrived at my home with his brother.

A few seconds later the two burst out laughing and I knew what they were laughing at. It was my new hairdo that Sebastian had given me.

"Just shut up and have a seat." I snapped at the two as they continue to snicker and whisper to each other before finally taking notice of Henry.

"Who the hell is he?" Marco asked getting up.

"I'll explain everything to you guys once the others gets here." I told them as they kept on glaring at the guy.

Shortly after Steff and Grace showed up as well. They too immaturely snickered at my hairdo.

"I know, I know. I'll explain everything once Kyle gets here." I told them as they pointed to Henry.

I only had to wait a few more minutes before Kyle came bursting through my door.

"What's the matter?" He inquired anxiously while gazing at the others in the room.

I turned to Henry for him to explain everything he had just stated to me a few minutes ago.

"Go on." I urged him.

"It's about Samantha and coach Carlos, Kristrin's previous football coach at Alabama state university. I'm sure you all may be familiar with them?" Henry stated drawing everyone's attention in the room.

"Well what about them?" Marco asked impatiently after hearing who was involved.

"For the past few weeks Samantha, my ex-girlfriend has been blackmailing me with a footage of me taking drugs dated a few months ago. If that video gets out then this will be my fifth positive drug test. My lawyers have always been able to cover up for me but this time currently on my own." Henry explained.

"Ok, but what does that have to do with Kristrin?" Maurice asked.

"A few weeks back I walked in on Samantha at a party just in time to catch her about to sleep with a drugged and almost unconscious Kristrin when I stopped her." Henry confessed and thier surprise was the same as when I had just heard, astonished and angry.

"What?" Maurice tried to piece everything together.

"It was somewhere around that time she's been confirming her date of conception but around that time Samantha and I were still intimate, we even had sex that exact morning which I'm now suspecting that the child is highly unlikely Kristrin's unless she had somehow drugged him before or after and had sexually assaulted him." Grace was the first one to gasp while the others muttered profanities.

Yep, Kristrin hadn't slept with anyone but me, hopefully. This changed a lot of things and I wasn't sure what to do at this point.

"That fucking bitch." Marco mentioned over and over again.

"I fucking knew it." Kyle snapped angry.

"Kristrin has what Samantha wants and that's money. She wants to ensure that she's financially at the top of the food chain where her life's set for good. There's one other thing. Even though I've only seen her around him a few times and during those few times he's treated her poorly. Samantha does seem to be in love with Kristrin." It sickened me hearing him say this.

She's using Kristrin to get where she wants to be!

"So should we tell Kristrin about this?" I voiced.

"I think he should know about this tramp using him and immediately get rid of her for good." I spoke to which they all looked at me wide eye.

"Obviously I meant by stopping her from seeing him on the grounds of being it's child's father." I rolled my eyes as they all sighed.

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