chapter 11

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well toga told us they meet y/n, but he take their Quirk and turn Kurogiri into a human. why did he do that and where is he now i ask, he after all for one as we turn to see Kurogiri awake. Kurogiri you are alright and why you said he after all for one said Tomura.

he know where League of Villains hideout he said, wait when he searching your mind, that why know where is it said Tomura as Kurogiri nod at him. we need to stop y/n i said as everyone head to few bullhead.


i teleport to League of Villains hideout and see Gigantomachia and Meta Liberation Army standing outside, i summon my Scythe and launch it at Gigantomachia head and cut clean off. they saw Gigantomachia head land in front of them, so i use my speed power to start killing them.

what going on said Re-Destro as he saw the head of Gigantomachia and a blur start killing them, then he look back before get kill by me. i saw Slidin' Go running back to the building, before a explosion stop me so i turn to see Curious using her Quirk.

so i teleport in front of her and she was frozen in fear, i take her Quirk and knock her out. Slidin' Go open up the door and about to call out before he get kill by me as in to see Mustard, Magne and Moonfish.

i summon spikes and launch it at them and kill them, then i saw Twice,Spinner and Mr. Compress standing there, i also take their Quirk and knock them out. okay now i can head to all for one i said as i saw Nine's Crew there, okay, now i have to deal nine's crew now i said.

i take their Quirk and knock out Slice,Chimera and Mummy then i kill nine with my Psychic power by crushing him, then i open up the door and to see  Dr. Kyudai and All for one there. who are you said Dr. Kyudai before see nine on the floor, what did you do to him as he point at nine.

oh you mean nine well i kill him as well you too i said as i turn my right arm into Blade tentacle and kill Dr. Kyudai, why you did that kid ask All for one. well i want peace to everyone as i walk to him, only way to get it as i close enough i said to become more powerful to bring peace to this world.

the first time for all for one be scare of y/n, i going take your Quirk at same time i grab All for one head and taking his Quirk, ahhhhhhhhh All for one scream out loud. once i done i let him fall to the ground and hear someone say my name so i turn around to see them so i just smile at them as i teleport away.


(15 minutes earlier)

we are heading to League of Villains hideout in a few of bullhead and i look back at Tomura,Kurogiri,Toga,Dabi and never see them be so scare of y/n, we almost there said Kurogiri. that good as i look in front of me, we fly around a corner to see their hideout but we are to late.

everyone was shock as what they saw, body of Villains on the ground so we about land, Kurogiri jump out and head in the hideout. wait Kurogiri said Tomura as he ran after Kurogiri, and toga saw the body, she become to scare to move and she look away and Dabi try to calm her down.

we start finding people who are alive and found one and that was Curious also lost her Quirk too, then we hear Izuku call out so we head in the hideout and see more body and some more people Alive.

then we hear a scream out loud, All for one said Kurogiri as he get to him. we follow him too, we run after him and to see nine on the ground and in a bloody way. then we look up a bit and saw y/n taking All for one Quirk and let him fall to the ground.

y/n i call out and he turn to look us and he just smile at us as he teleport away, sir you alright said Kurogiri. i alright but he take my Quirk away from said All for one, so can i ask you about y/n said to you i ask.

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